JAva seleniumはすべてのselenium指紋と特徴を遮蔽する

158108 ワード

意外にもこれはネット上でjava seleniumがseleniumの指紋と特徴を隠すブログを書いたのは初めてで、実は構想は複雑ではありません.pythonはseleniumの指紋を隠す文章についてstealthを使うことが多いです.min.jsは特徴を遮蔽するstealth.min.jsはまたnode.jsはselenium指紋を遮蔽ためのjsコードであるためjavaとpython遮蔽seleniumの特徴の最初のソースはnodeであると言える.js.次にコードを直接見るとはっきりします.
	 *   web  
	 * @return      
	public WebDriver getWebDriver() {

		String webDriverDir = "          ";
		System.setProperty("", webDriverDir);

		ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
		Map prefs = new HashMap();
		prefs.put("credentials_enable_service", false);
		prefs.put("profile.password_manager_enabled", false);
		excludeSwitches", Arrays.asList("enable-automation")               
		window.navigator.webdriver  false    ,                       "            "   
		options.setExperimentalOption("excludeSwitches", Arrays.asList("enable-automation"));
		options.setExperimentalOption("useAutomationExtension", false);

		options.setExperimentalOption("prefs", prefs);
		WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
		driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1280, 1024));

		//   seleium      
		FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(" stealth.min.js       ");
		String js = fileReader.readString();
		// MapBuilder   hutool    api
		Map commandMap = MapBuilder.create(new LinkedHashMap()).put("source", js)
		// executeCdpCommand  api selenium3     ,   selenium4     api
		((ChromeDriver) driver).executeCdpCommand("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", commandMap);
		return driver ;

 * Note: Auto-generated, do not update manually.
 * Generated by:
 * Generated on: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 07:21:38 GMT
 * License: MIT
var opts; (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: 'utils => {
if (! {
// Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome
// fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, \'chrome\')`
Object.defineProperty(window, \'chrome\', {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false, // note!
value: {} // We\'ll extend that later

// That means we\'re running headful and don\'t need to mock anything
if (\'app\' in {
return // Nothing to do here

const makeError = {
ErrorInInvocation: fn => {
const err = new TypeError(`Error in invocation of app.${fn}()`)
return utils.stripErrorWithAnchor(
`at ${fn} (eval at `

// There\'s a some static data in that property which doesn\'t seem to change,
// we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(, null, 2)`
const STATIC_DATA = JSON.parse(
"isInstalled": false,
"InstallState": {
"DISABLED": "disabled",
"INSTALLED": "installed",
"NOT_INSTALLED": "not_installed"
"RunningState": {
"CANNOT_RUN": "cannot_run",
"READY_TO_RUN": "ready_to_run",
"RUNNING": "running"
) = {

get isInstalled() {
return false

getDetails: function getDetails() {
if (arguments.length) {
throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getDetails`)
return null
getIsInstalled: function getDetails() {
if (arguments.length) {
throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getIsInstalled`)
return false
runningState: function getDetails() {
if (arguments.length) {
throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`runningState`)
return \'cannot_run\'
}', _args: [] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "utils => {
if (! {
// Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome
// fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`
Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false, // note!
value: {} // We'll extend that later

// That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything
if ('csi' in {
return // Nothing to do here

// Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 is available, we need that
if (!window.performance || !window.performance.timing) {

const { timing } = window.performance = function() {
return {
onloadT: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd,
startE: timing.navigationStart,
pageT: - timing.navigationStart,
tran: 15 // Transition type or something
}", _args: [] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache() eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args })({ _utilsFns: stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}" stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { opts }) => {
if (! {
// Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome
// fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`
Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false, // note!
value: {} // We'll extend that later

// That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything
if ('loadTimes' in {
return // Nothing to do here

// Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 + v2 is available, we need that
if (
!window.performance ||
!window.performance.timing ||
) {

const { performance } = window

// Some stuff is not available on about:blank as it requires a navigation to occur,
// let's harden the code to not fail then:
const ntEntryFallback = {
nextHopProtocol: 'h2',
type: 'other'

// The API exposes some funky info regarding the connection
const protocolInfo = {
get connectionInfo() {
const ntEntry =
performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback
return ntEntry.nextHopProtocol
get npnNegotiatedProtocol() {
// NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns the
// HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.
const ntEntry =
performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback
return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)
? ntEntry.nextHopProtocol
: 'unknown'
get navigationType() {
const ntEntry =
performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback
return ntEntry.type
get wasAlternateProtocolAvailable() {
// The Alternate-Protocol header is deprecated in favor of Alt-Svc
// (, so technically this
// should always return false.
return false
get wasFetchedViaSpdy() {
// SPDY is deprecated in favor of HTTP/2, but this implementation returns
// true for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 as well.
const ntEntry =
performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback
return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)
get wasNpnNegotiated() {
// NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns true
// for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.
const ntEntry =
performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback
return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)

const { timing } = window.performance

// Truncate number to specific number of decimals, most of the `loadTimes` stuff has 3
function toFixed(num, fixed) {
var re = new RegExp('^-?\\\\d+(?:.\\\\d{0,' + (fixed || -1) + '})?')
return num.toString().match(re)[0]

const timingInfo = {
get firstPaintAfterLoadTime() {
// This was never actually implemented and always returns 0.
return 0
get requestTime() {
return timing.navigationStart / 1000
get startLoadTime() {
return timing.navigationStart / 1000
get commitLoadTime() {
return timing.responseStart / 1000
get finishDocumentLoadTime() {
return timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd / 1000
get finishLoadTime() {
return timing.loadEventEnd / 1000
get firstPaintTime() {
const fpEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('paint')[0] || {
startTime: timing.loadEventEnd / 1000 // Fallback if no navigation occured (`about:blank`)
return toFixed(
(fpEntry.startTime + performance.timeOrigin) / 1000,
} = function() {
return {
}", _args: [{ opts: {} }] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)])); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}" createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { opts, STATIC_DATA }) => {
if (! {
// Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome
// fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`
Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false, // note!
value: {} // We'll extend that later

// That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything
const existsAlready = 'runtime' in
// `chrome.runtime` is only exposed on secure origins
const isNotSecure = !window.location.protocol.startsWith('https')
if (existsAlready || (isNotSecure && !opts.runOnInsecureOrigins)) {
return // Nothing to do here
} = {
// There's a bunch of static data in that property which doesn't seem to change,
// we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(, null, 2)`
// `` is extension related and returns undefined in Chrome
get id() {
return undefined
// These two require more sophisticated mocks
connect: null,
sendMessage: null

const makeCustomRuntimeErrors = (preamble, method, extensionId) => ({
NoMatchingSignature: new TypeError(
preamble + `No matching signature.`
MustSpecifyExtensionID: new TypeError(
preamble +
`${method} called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID (string) for its first argument.`
InvalidExtensionID: new TypeError(
preamble + `Invalid extension id: '${extensionId}'`

// Valid Extension IDs are 32 characters in length and use the letter `a` to `p`:
const isValidExtensionID = str =>
str.length === 32 && str.toLowerCase().match(/^[a-p]+$/)

/** Mock `chrome.runtime.sendMessage` */
const sendMessageHandler = {
apply: function(target, ctx, args) {
const [extensionId, options, responseCallback] = args || []

// Define custom errors
const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.sendMessage(optional string extensionId, any message, optional object options, optional function responseCallback): `
const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(

// Check if the call signature looks ok
const noArguments = args.length === 0
const tooManyArguments = args.length > 4
const incorrectOptions = options && typeof options !== 'object'
const incorrectResponseCallback =
responseCallback && typeof responseCallback !== 'function'
if (
noArguments ||
tooManyArguments ||
incorrectOptions ||
) {
throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature

// At least 2 arguments are required before we even validate the extension ID
if (args.length < 2) {
throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID

// Now let's make sure we got a string as extension ID
if (typeof extensionId !== 'string') {
throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature

if (!isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {
throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID

return undefined // Normal behavior
function sendMessage() {},

* Mock `chrome.runtime.connect`
* @see
const connectHandler = {
apply: function(target, ctx, args) {
const [extensionId, connectInfo] = args || []

// Define custom errors
const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.connect(optional string extensionId, optional object connectInfo): `
const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(

// Behavior differs a bit from sendMessage:
const noArguments = args.length === 0
const emptyStringArgument = args.length === 1 && extensionId === ''
if (noArguments || emptyStringArgument) {
throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID

const tooManyArguments = args.length > 2
const incorrectConnectInfoType =
connectInfo && typeof connectInfo !== 'object'

if (tooManyArguments || incorrectConnectInfoType) {
throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature

const extensionIdIsString = typeof extensionId === 'string'
if (extensionIdIsString && extensionId === '') {
throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID
if (extensionIdIsString && !isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {
throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID

// There's another edge-case here: extensionId is optional so we might find a connectInfo object as first param, which we need to validate
const validateConnectInfo = ci => {
// More than a first param connectInfo as been provided
if (args.length > 1) {
throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature
// An empty connectInfo has been provided
if (Object.keys(ci).length === 0) {
throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID
// Loop over all connectInfo props an check them
Object.entries(ci).forEach(([k, v]) => {
const isExpected = ['name', 'includeTlsChannelId'].includes(k)
if (!isExpected) {
throw new TypeError(
errorPreamble + `Unexpected property: '${k}'.`
const MismatchError = (propName, expected, found) =>
errorPreamble +
`Error at property '${propName}': Invalid type: expected ${expected}, found ${found}.`
if (k === 'name' && typeof v !== 'string') {
throw MismatchError(k, 'string', typeof v)
if (k === 'includeTlsChannelId' && typeof v !== 'boolean') {
throw MismatchError(k, 'boolean', typeof v)
if (typeof extensionId === 'object') {
throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID

// Unfortunately even when the connect fails Chrome will return an object with methods we need to mock as well
return utils.patchToStringNested(makeConnectResponse())
function connect() {},

function makeConnectResponse() {
const onSomething = () => ({
addListener: function addListener() {},
dispatch: function dispatch() {},
hasListener: function hasListener() {},
hasListeners: function hasListeners() {
return false
removeListener: function removeListener() {}

const response = {
name: '',
sender: undefined,
disconnect: function disconnect() {},
onDisconnect: onSomething(),
onMessage: onSomething(),
postMessage: function postMessage() {
if (!arguments.length) {
throw new TypeError(`Insufficient number of arguments.`)
throw new Error(`Attempting to use a disconnected port object`)
return response
}", _args: [{ opts: { runOnInsecureOrigins: !1 }, STATIC_DATA: { OnInstalledReason: CHROME_UPDATE: "chrome_update", INSTALL: "install" SHARED_MODULE_UPDATE: "shared_module_update" UPDATE: "update" }, OnRestartRequiredReason: APP_UPDATE: "app_update" OS_UPDATE: "os_update", PERIODIC: "periodic" }, PlatformArch: { ARM: "arm", ARM64: "arm64", MIPS: "mips" MIPS64: "mips64", X86_32: "x86-32", X86_64: "x86-64" }, PlatformNaclArch: { ARM: "arm", MIPS: "mips" MIPS64: "mips64", X86_32: "x86-32" X86_64 "x86-64" }, PlatformOs: { ANDROID "android", CROS: "cros", LINUX: "linux", MAC: "mac", OPENBSD: "openbsd", WIN: "win" }, RequestUpdateCheckStatus { NO_UPDATE: "no_update" THROTTLED: "throttled", UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "update_available" } }] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction _args: _args }) => const utils Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) > [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache() eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction "utils => {
* Input might look funky, we need to normalize it so e.g. whitespace isn't an issue for our spoofing.
* @example
* video/webm; codecs=\"vp8, vorbis\"
* video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\"
* audio/x-m4a;
* audio/ogg; codecs=\"vorbis\"
* @param {String} arg
const parseInput = arg => {
const [mime, codecStr] = arg.trim().split(';')
let codecs = []
if (codecStr && codecStr.includes('codecs=\"')) {
codecs = codecStr
.replace(`codecs=\"`, '')
.replace(`\"`, '')
.filter(x => !!x)
.map(x => x.trim())
return {

const canPlayType = {
// Intercept certain requests
apply: function(target, ctx, args) {
if (!args || !args.length) {
return target.apply(ctx, args)
const { mime, codecs } = parseInput(args[0])
// This specific mp4 codec is missing in Chromium
if (mime === 'video/mp4') {
if (codecs.includes('avc1.42E01E')) {
return 'probably'
// This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified
if (mime === 'audio/x-m4a' && !codecs.length) {
return 'maybe'

// This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified
if (mime === 'audio/aac' && !codecs.length) {
return 'probably'
// Everything else as usual
return target.apply(ctx, args)

/* global HTMLMediaElement */
}", _args: [] }), ({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils ..._args) }) ({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}" patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {
const patchNavigator = (name, value) =>
utils.replaceProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), name, {
get() {
return value

patchNavigator('hardwareConcurrency', opts.hardwareConcurrency || 4)
}", _args: [{}] }) opts = {}, Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), "languages", { get: () => opts.languages || ["en-US", "en"] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, args: _args } => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {
const handler = {
apply: function(target, ctx, args) {
const param = (args || [])[0]

if (param && && === 'notifications') {
const result = { state: Notification.permission }
Object.setPrototypeOf(result, PermissionStatus.prototype)
return Promise.resolve(result)

return utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)

window.navigator.permissions.__proto__, // eslint-disable-line no-proto
}", _args: [{}] }), (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}" stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}" stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { fns, data }) => {
fns = utils.materializeFns(fns)

// That means we're running headful
const hasPlugins = 'plugins' in navigator && navigator.plugins.length
if (hasPlugins) {
return // nothing to do here

const mimeTypes = fns.generateMimeTypeArray(utils, fns)(data.mimeTypes)
const plugins = fns.generatePluginArray(utils, fns)(data.plugins)

// Plugin and MimeType cross-reference each other, let's do that now
// Note: We're looping through `data.plugins` here, not the generated `plugins`
for (const pluginData of data.plugins) {
pluginData.__mimeTypes.forEach((type, index) => {
plugins[][index] = mimeTypes[type]

Object.defineProperty(plugins[], type, {
value: mimeTypes[type],
writable: false,
enumerable: false, // Not enumerable
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(mimeTypes[type], 'enabledPlugin', {
value: new Proxy(plugins[], {}), // Prevent circular references
writable: false,
enumerable: false, // Important: `JSON.stringify(navigator.plugins)`
configurable: true

const patchNavigator = (name, value) =>
utils.replaceProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), name, {
get() {
return value

patchNavigator('mimeTypes', mimeTypes)
patchNavigator('plugins', plugins)

// All done
}", _args: [ fns: { generateMimeTypeArray: "(utils, fns) => mimeTypesData => {
return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(
}", generatePluginArray "(utils, fns) => pluginsData => {
return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(
}", generateMagicArray: "(utils, fns) =>
dataArray = [],
proto = MimeTypeArray.prototype,
itemProto = MimeType.prototype,
itemMainProp = 'type'
) {
// Quick helper to set props with the same descriptors vanilla is using
const defineProp = (obj, prop, value) =>
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
writable: false,
enumerable: false, // Important for mimeTypes & plugins: `JSON.stringify(navigator.mimeTypes)`
configurable: true

// Loop over our fake data and construct items
const makeItem = data => {
const item = {}
for (const prop of Object.keys(data)) {
if (prop.startsWith('__')) {
defineProp(item, prop, data[prop])
return patchItem(item, data)

const patchItem = (item, data) => {
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(item)

// Special case: Plugins have a magic length property which is not enumerable
// e.g. `navigator.plugins[i].length` should always be the length of the assigned mimeTypes
if (itemProto === Plugin.prototype) {
descriptor = {
length: {
value: data.__mimeTypes.length,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`

// We need to spoof a specific `MimeType` or `Plugin` object
const obj = Object.create(itemProto, descriptor)

// Virtually all property keys are not enumerable in vanilla
const blacklist = [...Object.keys(data), 'length', 'enabledPlugin']
return new Proxy(obj, {
ownKeys(target) {
return Reflect.ownKeys(target).filter(k => !blacklist.includes(k))
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
if (blacklist.includes(prop)) {
return undefined
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)

const magicArray = []

// Loop through our fake data and use that to create convincing entities
dataArray.forEach(data => {

// Add direct property access based on types (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) afterwards
magicArray.forEach(entry => {
defineProp(magicArray, entry[itemMainProp], entry)

// This is the best way to fake the type to make sure this is false: `Array.isArray(navigator.mimeTypes)`
const magicArrayObj = Object.create(proto, {

// There's one ugly quirk we unfortunately need to take care of:
// The `MimeTypeArray` prototype has an enumerable `length` property,
// but headful Chrome will still skip it when running `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)`.
// To strip it we need to make it first `configurable` and can then overlay a Proxy with an `ownKeys` trap.
length: {
value: magicArray.length,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`

// Generate our functional function mocks :-)
const functionMocks = fns.generateFunctionMocks(utils)(

// We need to overlay our custom object with a JS Proxy
const magicArrayObjProxy = new Proxy(magicArrayObj, {
get(target, key = '') {
// Redirect function calls to our custom proxied versions mocking the vanilla behavior
if (key === 'item') {
return functionMocks.item
if (key === 'namedItem') {
return functionMocks.namedItem
if (proto === PluginArray.prototype && key === 'refresh') {
return functionMocks.refresh
// Everything else can pass through as normal
return utils.cache.Reflect.get(...arguments)
ownKeys(target) {
// There are a couple of quirks where the original property demonstrates \"magical\" behavior that makes no sense
// This can be witnessed when calling `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)` and the absense of `length`
// My guess is that it has to do with the recent change of not allowing data enumeration and this being implemented weirdly
// For that reason we just completely fake the available property names based on our data to match what regular Chrome is doing
// Specific issues when not patching this: `length` property is available, direct `types` props (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) are missing
const keys = []
const typeProps = => mt[itemMainProp])
typeProps.forEach((_, i) => keys.push(`${i}`))
typeProps.forEach(propName => keys.push(propName))
return keys
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
if (prop === 'length') {
return undefined
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)

return magicArrayObjProxy
}", generateFunctionMocks: "utils => (
) => ({
/** Returns the MimeType object with the specified index. */
item: utils.createProxy(proto.item, {
apply(target, ctx, args) {
if (!args.length) {
throw new TypeError(
`Failed to execute 'item' on '${
}': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`
// Special behavior alert:
// - Vanilla tries to cast strings to Numbers (only integers!) and use them as property index lookup
// - If anything else than an integer (including as string) is provided it will return the first entry
const isInteger = args[0] && Number.isInteger(Number(args[0])) // Cast potential string to number first, then check for integer
// Note: Vanilla never returns `undefined`
return (isInteger ? dataArray[Number(args[0])] : dataArray[0]) || null
/** Returns the MimeType object with the specified name. */
namedItem: utils.createProxy(proto.namedItem, {
apply(target, ctx, args) {
if (!args.length) {
throw new TypeError(
`Failed to execute 'namedItem' on '${
}': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`
return dataArray.find(mt => mt[itemMainProp] === args[0]) || null // Not `undefined`!
/** Does nothing and shall return nothing */
refresh: proto.refresh
? utils.createProxy(proto.refresh, {
apply(target, ctx, args) {
return undefined
: undefined
})" }, data: { mimeTypes [{ type: "application/pdf", suffixes: "pdf", description: "", __pluginName: "Chrome PDF Viewer" }, { type: "application/x-google-chrome-pdf", suffixes: "pdf", description: "Portable Document Format", __pluginName: "Chrome PDF Plugin" }, { type "application/x-nacl", suffixes: "", description: "Native Client Executable", __pluginName: "Native Client" }, { type: "application/x-pnacl", suffixes: "", description: "Portable Native Client Executable", __pluginName: "Native Client" ], plugins:[ { name: "Chrome PDF Plugin", filename: "internal-pdf-viewer", description: "Portable Document Format" __mimeTypes: ["application/x-google-chrome-pdf"] }, { name: "Chrome PDF Viewer", filename "mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai", description: "", __mimeTypes: ["application/pdf" }, { name: "Native Client", filename: "internal-nacl-plugin", description: "", __mimeTypes: ["application/x-nacl", "application/x-pnacl"] } } }] }), delete Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator).webdriver, (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache() eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}" makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}" redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}" replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}" mockWithProxy "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {
const getParameterProxyHandler = {
apply: function(target, ctx, args) {
const param = (args || [])[0]
if (param === 37445) {
return opts.vendor || 'Intel Inc.' // default in headless: Google Inc.
if (param === 37446) {
return opts.renderer || 'Intel Iris OpenGL Engine' // default in headless: Google SwiftShader
return utils.cache.Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)

// There's more than one WebGL rendering context
// To find out the original values here: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter)
const addProxy = (obj, propName) => {
utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, getParameterProxyHandler)
// For whatever weird reason loops don't play nice with Object.defineProperty, here's the next best thing:
addProxy(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')
addProxy(WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')
}", _args: [{}] }), (() => { try { if (window.outerWidth && window.outerHeight) return; const n = 85; window.outerWidth = window.innerWidth, window.outerHeight = window.nnerHeight + n } catch (n) { } })(, (({ _utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args _args }) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {
const newHandler = {}
// We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw
const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)
traps.forEach(trap => {
newHandler[trap] = function() {
try {
// Forward the call to the defined proxy handler
return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])
} catch (err) {
// Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently
if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {
throw err

// When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks
// An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,
// but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.
// We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.
// If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.

const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {
const blacklist = [
`at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply
`at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply
`at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)
return (
// Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)
.filter((line, index) => index !== 1)
// Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings
.filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))

const stripWithAnchor = stack => {
const stackArr = stack.split('\
const anchor = `at Object.newHandler. [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return false // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
return stackArr.join('\

// Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary
err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)

throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error
return newHandler
}", stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {
const stackArr = err.stack.split('\
const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))
if (anchorIndex === -1) {
return err // 404, anchor not found
// Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)
// Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)
stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)
err.stack = stackArr.join('\
return err
}", replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
// Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)
...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),
// Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())
}", preloadCache: "() => {
if (utils.cache) {
utils.cache = {
// Used in our proxies
Reflect: {
get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),
apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)
// Used in `makeNativeString`
nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`
}", makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {
// Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available
return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')
}", patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')
// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === obj) {
// We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically
return str || utils.makeNativeString(
// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()
utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {
return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)
}", redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {

const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {
apply: function(target, ctx) {
// This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`
if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {
return utils.makeNativeString('toString')

// `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected
if (ctx === proxyObj) {
const fallback = () =>
originalObj &&
? utils.makeNativeString(
: utils.makeNativeString(

// Return the toString representation of our original object if possible
return originalObj + '' || fallback()

// Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,
// if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case
const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(
).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!hasSameProto) {
// Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead
return ctx.toString()

utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
value: toStringProxy
}", replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {
const originalObj = obj[propName]
const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })
utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)

return true
}", mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })

return true
}", createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {
const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))

return proxyObj
}", splitObjPath: "objPath => ({
// Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`
objName: objPath
.slice(0, -1)
// Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`
propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]
})", replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {
const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)
const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)
}", execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {
function recurse(obj) {
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === undefined) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {, obj[key])
return obj
}", stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {
// Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(
.filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')
.map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}", materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {
if (value.startsWith('function')) {
// some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)
return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} else {
// arrow functions just work
return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval
}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {
try {
// Adds a contentWindow proxy to the provided iframe element
const addContentWindowProxy = iframe => {
const contentWindowProxy = {
get(target, key) {
// Now to the interesting part:
// We actually make this thing behave like a regular iframe window,
// by intercepting calls to e.g. `.self` and redirect it to the correct thing. :)
// That makes it possible for these assertions to be correct:
// iframe.contentWindow.self === // must be false
if (key === 'self') {
return this
// iframe.contentWindow.frameElement === iframe // must be true
if (key === 'frameElement') {
return iframe
return Reflect.get(target, key)

if (!iframe.contentWindow) {
const proxy = new Proxy(window, contentWindowProxy)
Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'contentWindow', {
get() {
return proxy
set(newValue) {
return newValue // contentWindow is immutable
enumerable: true,
configurable: false

// Handles iframe element creation, augments `srcdoc` property so we can intercept further
const handleIframeCreation = (target, thisArg, args) => {
const iframe = target.apply(thisArg, args)

// We need to keep the originals around
const _iframe = iframe
const _srcdoc = _iframe.srcdoc

// Add hook for the srcdoc property
// We need to be very surgical here to not break other iframes by accident
Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {
configurable: true, // Important, so we can reset this later
get: function() {
return _iframe.srcdoc
set: function(newValue) {
// Reset property, the hook is only needed once
Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: _srcdoc
_iframe.srcdoc = newValue
return iframe

// Adds a hook to intercept iframe creation events
const addIframeCreationSniffer = () => {
/* global document */
const createElementHandler = {
// Make toString() native
get(target, key) {
return Reflect.get(target, key)
apply: function(target, thisArg, args) {
const isIframe =
args && args.length && `${args[0]}`.toLowerCase() === 'iframe'
if (!isIframe) {
// Everything as usual
return target.apply(thisArg, args)
} else {
return handleIframeCreation(target, thisArg, args)
// All this just due to iframes with srcdoc bug

// Let's go
} catch (err) {
// console.warn(err)
}", _args: [] });