OpenStreetMap Community Guideline: Horizontal Layers Guideline参考訳

これはOpenStreetMap Community Guideline: Horizontal Layers Guidelineの翻訳です。ライセンスは原文と同様、Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0です。
また、この訳はあくまで参考訳です。OSMFあるいはその他の団体の承認を受けたものではなく、あくまで @nyampire が私的に翻訳しているものである点に留意ください。

Background: What is the problem? / 背景:課題とは何か

This primarily relates to making and publicly publishing visual 2D maps, (a "Produced Work" within the terms of our ODbL license ), and which are constructed using different layers of data, at least one of which is OpenStreetMap data.

本ガイドラインは主に、二次元の地図(ODbLライセンスで定める"製作著作物/Produced Work")の作成、一般への公開を実施し、その際にOpenStreetMapのデータを含む複数のデータレイヤを構成する場合に関係します。

If you make maps, you may want to use more than one layer to make your map, one of them being OpenStreetMap layer.


We believe that ODbL is unequivocal about this in clause 4.5(b) "Using this Database, a Derivative Database, or this Database as part of a Collective Database to create a Produced Work does not create a Derivative Database for purposes of Section 4.4;" but it can be hard to spot so we provide our own practical interpretation.

ODbLは、この行為が4.5(b)項で定められるところの "Using this Database, a Derivative Database, or this Database as part of a Collective Database to create a Produced Work does not create a Derivative Database for purposes of Section 4.4;" とは同一ではないと考えています。しかしその特定方法は困難であり、これを以ってその実践的な対応方針を提供するものです。

The Guideline / ガイドライン

For all features of a given type ("Feature Types") (e.g. streets, restaurants, parks, cemeteries), if all data for that Feature Type is from non-OpenStreetMap sources, then the ODbl share-alike conditions do not apply to that Feature Type, even if OpenStreetMap data is used for other Feature Types. This applies to Feature Types within a single layer or split between multiple layers.

あるタイプのすべての地物("地物タイプ/Feature Types")(例:道路、レストラン、公園、墓地など)に対し、もしその地物タイプのすべてのデータが非OSMに由来する場合、例えもしもOpenStreetMapデータがその他の地物タイプに対して利用されていたとしても、ODbLの継承条件はその地物タイプに対して適用されません。これは地物タイプがひとつのレイヤの中であっても、複数のレイヤ間に分割されていたとしても適用されます。

If you use OpenStreetMap data along with non-OpenStreetMap data for a given Feature Type, then the share-alike condition would apply regardless of whether some data for that Feature Type is in a different layer than the other data for that Feature Type.


For example, if there are restaurants in the OpenStreetMap layer and you add additional restaurants in another layer, but you include only those restaurants not present in the OpenStreetMap layer so that the restaurant layers will complement each other, then the layers for this feature are interacting and the restaurants added in your non-OpenStreetMap layer must be shared.


Examples / 例

The following examples will demonstrate this further.
Examples of where you DO NOT need to share your non-OpenStreetMap data


You use OpenStreetMap as a base topographical map for orientation and then plot your own unrelated data over the top. An simple example of this might be scientific or highly specialist data such as bird migration paths, tree species distribution or geological outcrops.


You use OpenStreetMap as a base topographical map and make your best reasonable efforts to exclude ALL restaurants. You then add a layer of your own restaurant data.


Examples of where you DO need to share your non-OpenStreetMap data


If you improve data used in the OpenStreetMap layer, such as additions or factual corrections, then you need to share those improvements.


You add restaurants in one area from non-OpenStreetMap data based on comparison with OpenStreetMap data in other layers.


You add a non-OpenStreetMap cemetery layer that is defined as "all cemeteries not found in the OpenStreetMap data layers".


Open Issues, Use Cases, Discussion / 検討課題、ユースケース、議論

Continuing discussion and greater detail can be found here on the OpenStreetMap community website. Any text there is NOT part of the formal guideline!
