OpenStreetMap Community Guideline: Trivial Transformations Guideline参考訳

これはOpenStreetMap Community Guideline: Trivial TransformationsGuideline](の翻訳です。ライセンスは原文と同様、[Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0](です。
また、この訳はあくまで参考訳です。OSMFあるいはその他の団体の承認を受けたものではなく、あくまで @nyampire が私的に翻訳しているものである点に留意ください。

Background: What's the problem? / 背景:

We feel there are situations where you may be manipulating OpenStreetMap data but are not actually adding to or enhancing the core contributions made by our contributors. Therefore we feel there is no common good to be served by forcing you to publish the result of those manipulations.


In legal terms, the ODbL relies on language from the EU Database Directive, which isn't perfectly clear about when a database is derivative and when it isn't. This is because the laws are relatively new and untested in court. Therefore it is important that we can provide guidelines about what we consider to be derivative and what isn't.


ODbL clause 4.6b, states (in part):
ODbL4.6b項, 現況

If You Publicly Use a Derivative Database or a Produced Work from a Derivative Database, You must also offer to recipients of the Derivative Database or Produced Work a copy in a machine readable form of:
a. The entire Derivative Database; or
b. A file containing all of the alterations made to the Database or the method of making the alterations to the Database (such as an algorithm), including any additional Contents, that make up all the differences between the Database and the Derivative Database.


  • a. 派生データベース全体、あるいは
  • b. 当該データベースと派生データベースの間の全ての差分であるところ、追加されたコンテンツを含む、データベースに対して修正されたすべての変更点、あるいはデータベースに対する編集手法(例えばアルゴリズム)

We therefore define a term "trivial transformation", (for want of a better phrase!) which covers alterations of OpenStreetMap data which are not considered interesting or useful enough to warrant the conditions of a derivative database. The word "trivial" should not be interpreted as technically trivial, but is intended to be "trivial" in the sense of modifications or additions to the data. For example, adding or correcting data would not ever be considered "trivial".

そのためここでは、"軽微な変更/trivial transformation" (よりよい言い回し募集中!) という用語を定義し、OpenStreetMapデータに対して興味深いとはいえない、あるいは派生データベースの要件を満たすほどとはいえない修正に関する領域を定める。"軽微な/trivial"という単語は技術的に軽微という意味で解釈されるべきではなく、データに対する修正や変更の意味における"軽微"という観点で解釈される。例えば、データの追加や修正は決して"軽微"とは考えられない。

The Guideline / ガイドライン

This is at the proposal stage in our process - it may change after discussion by the OpenStreetMap community


Loading the OpenStreetMap data into a database without use of any external sources of data does not add any information that needs to be shared.


Transforming OpenStreetMap data into other formats without use of any external sources of data does not add any information that needs to be shared.


OpenStreetMap considers Open Data to be a set of intelligently collected or machine-made physical observations only. Purely algorithmic augmentation of data and re-casting of data to use, store or transmit it in different manners is a "trivial transformation" and not, in OpenStreetMap’s view, a useful part of the data IP provided that the original data is publicly available in an open readable format and change is not done deliberately with the prime motive of preventing access. Loading OpenStreetMap data into a database or transforming into other formats does not add any information that needs to be shared provided that no other source of data is involved.


Examples / 例

You take a set of unmodified OpenStreetMap data.


You may optionally change or augment the data in any way you want provided that you publish the result under ODbL in a format that can be read by the public.


If you have not changed or augmented the data, you clearly inform the users of your product or project where they can get the equivalent OpenStreetMap data from. You can make this available yourself, or you can point them back to where they can get the data directly from OpenStreetMap or one of its mirrors. The OpenStreetMap Foundation provides this long-lasting URL that you can use:

データの変更や引用を行っていない場合、あなたはその製品やプロジェクトのユーザに対し、同様のOpenStreetMapデータが入手可能であることを明確に情報を提示してください。これは自身でデータの配布を行ったり、OpenStreetMapやそのミラー配布元から直接データを入手できる場所を示したりすることで行うことが可能です。OpenStreetMap Foundationは長期的に変更されないURLとして以下を提供しています:

You then run the data through a computer program that reads the OpenStreetMap data. Without reading any other observation data (important!), the computer program is able to change the format of the data according to an open source or proprietary algorithm. You then either write the result back to disk or use the result in your computer application. Such use might be:


  • Faster access for rendering the data into a map.
  • Faster access for a game.
  • In a format required for routing.
  • In a compact or easier to use form for mobile or low capacity devices.
  • You have changed the OpenStreetMap latitude/longitude values into a different coordinate system.
  • You took a partial extract from OpenStreetMap data based on a filter, such as latitude/longitude bounding box or "everything with a building tag".
  • 地図のレンダリング速度の向上
  • ゲームの動作速度の向上
  • 経路探索に必要な形式
  • モバイル端末や低性能のデバイスにおけるコンパクトあるいは簡易な利用が可能な形式
  • 別の測地系に対応させるため、OpenStreetMapデータの緯度経度を変更
  • 緯度経度を利用したバウンディングボックスや"buildingタグを付与された全項目"のように、フィルタを使ってOpenStreetMapデータの一部を利用
  • You took an extract or planet dump in OpenStreetMap's XML or PBF format and saved it in JSON or to a MySQL database format or a Postgres database or ... substitute your own favourite file or database format.
  • OpenStreetMapのXMLあるいはPBFフォーマットのプラネットダンプあるいは一部抽出データをJOSMやMySQLデータベース形式、あるいはPostgresデータベース形式、等々、、、なんらかのファイル形式あるいはデータベース形式への保存
  • Various forms of algorithm-driven generalizations: simplifications of roads and polygons, merging of polygons with same or similar landuse, elimination of polygons that are too small for given map scale (like buildings), amalgamation...
  • なんらかのアルゴリズムで処理された形式: 特定の地図表示縮尺における、道路やポリゴンの簡素化、同様あるいは類似の内容をもつポリゴンのマージ、ポリゴンの削除(建物など)

Transformation of multi-polygons (polygons with holes) into weakly simple polygons (certain platforms don't know how to render polygons with holes).

  • マルチポリゴン(穴部分のあるポリゴン)の、単純なポリゴン形状への変更(プラットフォームによっては、ポリゴンの穴部分をレンダリングする方法が無い)
  • Algorithm-driven automated label and icon placement.
  • アルゴリズムによって自動化されたラベルやアイコンの配置
  • Other applications of geometric and graph algorithms on OSM data (Voronoi diagrams, travelling distances etc.) if they are driven by OSM data only.
  • OSMデータだけを使用している場合の、OSMデータを対象にしたジオメトリ計算やグラフアルゴリズムの適用(ボロノイ図、移動距離等)

Open Issues, Use Cases, Discussion / 検討課題、ユースケース、議論

Continuing discussion and greater detail can be found here on the OpenStreetMap community website. Any text there is NOT part of the formal guideline!
