
6986 ワード

template  class Numeric_Iterator;    // Template type declaration
// Defines a numeric range
class Numeric_Range
    static_assert(std::is_integral::value || std::is_floating_point::value,
                                 "Numeric_Range type argument must be numeric.");
    friend class Numeric_Iterator < T >;
    T start;                                       // First value in the range
    T step;                                        // Increment between successive values
    size_t count;                                  // Number of values in the range
    Numeric_Range(T first=0, T incr=1, size_t n=2) : start {first}, step {incr}, count {n}{}
    // Return the begin iterator for the range
    Numeric_Iterator begin(){ return Numeric_Iterator(*this); }
    // Return the end iterator for the range
    Numeric_Iterator end()
        Numeric_Iterator end_iter(*this);
        end_iter.value = start + count*step;          // End iterator value is one step over the last
        return end_iter;

// Iterator class template- it's a forward iterator
class Numeric_Iterator : public std::iterator < std::forward_iterator_tag, T >
    friend class Numeric_Range < T >;
    Numeric_Range& range;                       // Reference to the range for this iterator
    T value;                                       // Value pointed to
    explicit Numeric_Iterator(Numeric_Range& a_range) : range {a_range}, value {a_range.start} {};

    // Assignment operator
    Numeric_Iterator& operator=(const Numeric_Iterator& src)
        range = src.range;
        value = src.value;

    // Dereference an iterator
    T& operator*()
        // When the value is one step more than the last, it's an end iterator
        if (value == static_cast(range.start + range.count*range.step))
            throw std::logic_error("Cannot dereference an end iterator.");
        return value;

    // Prefix increment operator
    Numeric_Iterator& operator++()
        // When the value is one step more than the last, it's an end iterator
        if (value == static_cast(range.start + range.count*range.step))
            throw std::logic_error("Cannot increment an end iterator.");
        value += range.step;                         // Increment the value by the range step
        return *this;

    // Postfix increment operator
    Numeric_Iterator operator++(int)
        // When the value is one step more than the last, it's an end iterator
        if (value == static_cast(range.start + range.count*range.step))
            throw std::logic_error("Cannot increment an end iterator.");
        auto temp = *this;
        value += range.step;                         // Increment the value by the range step
        return temp;                                 // The iterator before it's incremented

    // Comparisons
    bool operator(const Numeric_Iterator& iter) const { return value > iter.value; }
    bool operator<=(const Numeric_Iterator& iter) const { *this < iter || *this == iter; }
    bool operator>=(const Numeric_Iterator& iter) const { *this > iter || *this == iter; }

// Exercising the Numeric_Range template
#include  // For copy()
#include  // For accumulate()
#include  // For standard streams
#include  // For vector container
#include "Numeric_Range.h" // For Numeric_Range & Numeric_Iterator

int main()
    Numeric_Range range {1.5, 0.5, 5};
    auto first = range.begin();
    auto last = range.end();
    std::copy(first, last, std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, "  "));
    std::cout << "
Sum = " << std::accumulate(std::begin(range), std::end(range), 0.0) << std::endl; // Initializing a container from a Numeric_Range Numeric_Range numbers {15L, 4L, 10}; std::vector data {std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers)}; std::cout << "
Values in vector are:
"; std::copy(std::begin(data), std::end(data), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " ")); std::cout << std::endl; // List the values in a range std::cout << "
The values in the numbers range are:
"; for (auto n : numbers) std::cout << n << " "; std::cout << std::endl; }

運転結果:1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Sum=12.5 Values in vectorare:15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51 The values in the numbers range are:15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51