#ifdef __cplusplus extern c#endifの役割

21906 ワード

void foo1();
cppファイルに含まれています.生成されたobjectでは、この関数はcpp_と命名されます.foo 1は、extern「C」を使用すると、強制的に「c_foo 1」にすることができます.
*   ImageUtils
*   Handy utility functions for dealing with images in OpenCV (desktop or Android).
*   The most recent version of this will always be available from "http://shervinemami.info/openCV.html"
*   by Shervin Emami, 5th Dec 2012 ([email protected])
*   http://www.shervinemami.info/
*   Ch1 of the book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects"
*   Copyright Packt Publishing 2012.
*   http://www.packtpub.com/cool-projects-with-opencv/book

#ifndef IMAGEUTILS_0_7_H_
#define IMAGEUTILS_0_7_H_

// OpenCV

#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
    #include         // For _kbhit() on Windows
    #include         // For mkdir(path) on Windows
    #define snprintf sprintf_s    // Visual Studio on Windows comes with sprintf_s() instead of snprintf()
    #include         // For getchar() on Linux
    #include     // For kbhit() on Linux
    #include     // For mkdir(path, options) on Linux
#include             // for printing streams in C++
//#include         // for variable-length args in C
//#include         // for printing floats in C++
//#include         // for opening files in C++

// These functions will print using the LOG() function, using the same format as printf(). If you want it to be printed using a different
// function (such as for Android logcat output), then define LOG as your output function, otherwise it will use printf() by default.
#ifndef LOG
    #ifdef __ANDROID__
        // For Android debug logging to logcat:
        #define LOG(fmt, args...) (__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "........", fmt, ## args))
        // For stdout debug logging, with a new-line character on the end:
        #ifndef _MSC_VER
            // Compiles on GCC but not MSVC:
            #define LOG(fmt, args...) do {printf(fmt, ## args); printf("
"); fflush(stdout);} while (0) // #define LOG printf #else #define LOG printf #endif #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Allow 'UCHAR' variables in both C and C++ code. #ifndef UCHAR typedef unsigned char UCHAR; #endif // Allow 'bool' variables in both C and C++ code. #ifndef __cplusplus typedef int bool; #define true (1) #define false (0) #endif // Allow default args in C++ code, but explicit args in C code. #ifdef __cplusplus #define DEFAULT(val) = val #else #define DEFAULT(val) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Timer functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Record the execution time of some code, in milliseconds. By Shervin Emami, 27th May 2012. // eg: // DECLARE_TIMING(myTimer); // ... // START_TIMING(myTimer); // printf("A slow calc = %f
", pow(1.2, 3.4) ); // STOP_TIMING(myTimer); // AVERAGE_TIMING(myTimer); #define DECLARE_TIMING(s) int64 timeStart_##s; int64 timeDiff_##s; int64 timeTally_##s = 0; int64 countTally_##s = 0; double timeMin_##s = DBL_MAX; double timeMax_##s = 0; int64 timeEnd_##s; #define START_TIMING(s) timeStart_##s = cvGetTickCount() #define STOP_TIMING(s) do { timeEnd_##s = cvGetTickCount(); timeDiff_##s = (timeEnd_##s - timeStart_##s); timeTally_##s += timeDiff_##s; countTally_##s++; timeMin_##s = MIN(timeMin_##s, timeDiff_##s); timeMax_##s = MAX(timeMax_##s, timeDiff_##s); } while (0) #define GET_TIMING(s) (double)(0.001 * ( (double)timeDiff_##s / (double)cvGetTickFrequency() )) #define GET_MIN_TIMING(s) (double)(0.001 * ( (double)timeMin_##s / (double)cvGetTickFrequency() )) #define GET_MAX_TIMING(s) (double)(0.001 * ( (double)timeMax_##s / (double)cvGetTickFrequency() )) #define GET_AVERAGE_TIMING(s) (double)(countTally_##s ? 0.001 * ( (double)timeTally_##s / ((double)countTally_##s * cvGetTickFrequency()) ) : 0) #define GET_TOTAL_TIMING(s) (double)(0.001 * ( (double)timeTally_##s / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency()) )) #define GET_TIMING_COUNT(s) (int)(countTally_##s) #define CLEAR_AVERAGE_TIMING(s) do { timeTally_##s = 0; countTally_##s = 0; } while (0) #define SHOW_TIMING(s, msg) LOG("%s time:\t %dms\t (ave=%dms min=%dms max=%dms, across %d runs).", msg, cvRound(GET_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_AVERAGE_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_MIN_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_MAX_TIMING(s)), GET_TIMING_COUNT(s) ) #define SHOW_TOTAL_TIMING(s, msg) LOG("%s total:\t %dms\t (ave=%dms min=%dms max=%dms, across %d runs).", msg, cvRound(GET_TOTAL_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_AVERAGE_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_MIN_TIMING(s)), cvRound(GET_MAX_TIMING(s)), GET_TIMING_COUNT(s) ) #define AVERAGE_TIMING(s) SHOW_TIMING(s, #s) #define TOTAL_TIMING(s) do { SHOW_TOTAL_TIMING(s, #s); CLEAR_AVERAGE_TIMING(s); } while (0) // Convert a float number to an int by rounding to nearest int using a certain method. // Replace the code with the fastest method detected by 'testTiming_FloatConversion()'. inline int roundFloat(float f); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Graphing functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the graph of an array of floats into imageDst or a new image, between minV & maxV if given. // Remember to free the newly created image if imageDst is not given. IplImage* drawFloatGraph(const float *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, IplImage *imageDst DEFAULT(0), float minV DEFAULT(0.0), float maxV DEFAULT(0.0), int width DEFAULT(0), int height DEFAULT(0), char *graphLabel DEFAULT(0), bool showScale DEFAULT(true)); // Draw the graph of an array of ints into imageDst or a new image, between minV & maxV if given. // Remember to free the newly created image if imageDst is not given. IplImage* drawIntGraph(const int *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, IplImage *imageDst DEFAULT(0), int minV DEFAULT(0), int maxV DEFAULT(0), int width DEFAULT(0), int height DEFAULT(0), char *graphLabel DEFAULT(0), bool showScale DEFAULT(true)); // Draw the graph of an array of uchars into imageDst or a new image, between minV & maxV if given. // Remember to free the newly created image if imageDst is not given. IplImage* drawUCharGraph(const uchar *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, IplImage *imageDst DEFAULT(0), int minV DEFAULT(0), int maxV DEFAULT(0), int width DEFAULT(0), int height DEFAULT(0), char *graphLabel DEFAULT(0), bool showScale DEFAULT(true)); // Display a graph of the given float array. // If background is provided, it will be drawn into, for combining multiple graphs using drawFloatGraph(). // Set delay_ms to 0 if you want to wait forever until a keypress, or set it to 1 if you want it to delay just 1 millisecond. void showFloatGraph(const char *name, const float *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, int delay_ms DEFAULT(500), IplImage *background DEFAULT(0)); // Display a graph of the given int array. // If background is provided, it will be drawn into, for combining multiple graphs using drawIntGraph(). // Set delay_ms to 0 if you want to wait forever until a keypress, or set it to 1 if you want it to delay just 1 millisecond. void showIntGraph(const char *name, const int *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, int delay_ms DEFAULT(500), IplImage *background DEFAULT(0)); // Display a graph of the given unsigned char array. // If background is provided, it will be drawn into, for combining multiple graphs using drawUCharGraph(). // Set delay_ms to 0 if you want to wait forever until a keypress, or set it to 1 if you want it to delay just 1 millisecond. void showUCharGraph(const char *name, const uchar *arraySrc, int nArrayLength, int delay_ms DEFAULT(500), IplImage *background DEFAULT(0)); // Simple helper function to easily view an image, with an optional pause. void showImage(const IplImage *img, int delay_ms DEFAULT(0), char *name DEFAULT(0)); // Call 'setGraphColor(0)' to reset the colors that will be used for graphs. void setGraphColor(int index DEFAULT(0)); // Specify the exact color that the next graph should be drawn as. void setCustomGraphColor(int R, int B, int G); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Color conversion functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Return a new image that is always greyscale, whether the input image was RGB or Greyscale. // Remember to free the returned image using cvReleaseImage() when finished. IplImage* convertImageToGreyscale(const IplImage *imageSrc); // Create an RGB image from the YIQ image using an approximation of NTSC conversion(ref: "YIQ" Wikipedia page). // Remember to free the generated RGB image. IplImage* convertImageYIQtoRGB(const IplImage *imageYIQ); // Create a YIQ image from the RGB image using an approximation of NTSC conversion(ref: "YIQ" Wikipedia page). // Remember to free the generated YIQ image. IplImage* convertImageRGBtoYIQ(const IplImage *imageRGB); // Create an RGB image from the HSV image using the full 8-bits, since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255. // ref: "http://cs.haifa.ac.il/hagit/courses/ist/Lectures/Demos/ColorApplet2/t_convert.html" // Remember to free the generated RGB image. IplImage* convertImageHSVtoRGB(const IplImage *imageHSV); // Create a HSV image from the RGB image using the full 8-bits, since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255. // ref: "http://cs.haifa.ac.il/hagit/courses/ist/Lectures/Demos/ColorApplet2/t_convert.html" // Remember to free the generated HSV image. IplImage* convertImageRGBtoHSV(const IplImage *imageRGB); // Do the color conversion of a single pixel, from RGB to HSV using Hue values between 0 to 255, whereas OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255. // ref: "http://cs.haifa.ac.il/hagit/courses/ist/Lectures/Demos/ColorApplet2/t_convert.html" inline void convertPixelRGBtoHSV_256(int bR, int bG, int bB, int &bH, int &bS, int &bV); // Do the color conversion of a single pixel, from HSV to RGB using Hue values between 0 to 255, whereas OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255. // ref: "http://cs.haifa.ac.il/hagit/courses/ist/Lectures/Demos/ColorApplet2/t_convert.html" inline void convertPixelHSVtoRGB_256(int bH, int bS, int bV, int &bR, int &bG, int &bB); // Do the color conversion of a single pixel, from RGB to HSV using Hue values between 0 to 179 just like OpenCV does, instead of Hues upto 255. void convertPixelRGBtoHSV_180(int bR, int bG, int bB, int &bH, int &bS, int &bV); // Do the color conversion of a single pixel, from HSV to RGB using Hue values between 0 to 179 just like OpenCV does, instead of Hues upto 255. void convertPixelHSVtoRGB_180(int bH, int bS, int bV, int &bR, int &bG, int &bB); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 2D Point functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Return (pointA + pointB). CvPoint2D32f addPointF(const CvPoint2D32f pointA, const CvPoint2D32f pointB); // Return (pointA - pointB). CvPoint2D32f subtractPointF(const CvPoint2D32f pointA, const CvPoint2D32f pointB); // Return (point * scale). CvPoint2D32f scalePointF(const CvPoint2D32f point, float scale); // Return the point scaled relative to the given origin. CvPoint2D32f scalePointAroundPointF(const CvPoint2D32f point, const CvPoint2D32f origin, float scale); // Return (p * s), to a maximum value of maxVal float scaleValueF(float p, float s, float maxVal); #define scaleValueFI(p, s, maxVal) scaleValueF(p, s, (float)maxVal) // Return (p * s), to a maximum value of maxVal int scaleValueI(int p, float s, int maxVal); // Return the point rotated around its origin by angle (in degrees). CvPoint2D32f rotatePointF(const CvPoint2D32f point, float angleDegrees); // Return the point rotated around the given origin by angle (in degrees). CvPoint2D32f rotatePointAroundPointF(const CvPoint2D32f point, const CvPoint2D32f origin, float angleDegrees); // Calculate the distance between the 2 given (floating-point) points. float findDistanceBetweenPointsF(const CvPoint2D32f p1, const CvPoint2D32f p2); // Calculate the distance between the 2 given (integer) points. float findDistanceBetweenPointsI(const CvPoint p1, const CvPoint p2); // Calculate the angle between the 2 given integer points (in degrees). float findAngleBetweenPointsF(const CvPoint2D32f p1, const CvPoint2D32f p2); // Calculate the angle between the 2 given floating-point points (in degrees). float findAngleBetweenPointsI(const CvPoint p1, const CvPoint p2); // Draw a crossbar at the given position. void drawCross(IplImage *img, const CvPoint pt, int radius, const CvScalar color ); // Print the label and then the rect to the console for easy debugging void printPoint(const CvPoint pt, const char *label); // Print the label and then the rect to the console for easy debugging void printPointF(const CvPoint2D32f pt, const char *label); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rectangle region functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Enlarge or shrink the rectangle size & center by a given scale. // If w & h are given, will make sure the rectangle stays within the bounds if it is enlarged too much. // Note that for images, w should be (width-1) and h should be (height-1). CvRect scaleRect(const CvRect rectIn, float scaleX, float scaleY, int w DEFAULT(0), int h DEFAULT(0)); // Enlarge or shrink the rectangle region by a given scale without moving its center, and possibly add a border around it. // If w & h are given, will make sure the rectangle stays within the bounds if it is enlarged too much. // Note that for images, w should be (width-1) and h should be (height-1). CvRect scaleRectInPlace(const CvRect rectIn, float scaleX, float scaleY, float borderX DEFAULT(0.0f), float borderY DEFAULT(0.0f), int w DEFAULT(0), int h DEFAULT(0)); // Return a new rect that the same as rectA when shifted by (rectB.x, rectB.y). CvRect offsetRect(const CvRect rectA, const CvRect rectB); // Return a new rect that the same as rectA when shifted by (pt.x, pt.y). CvRect offsetRectPt(const CvRect rectA, const CvPoint pt); // Draw a rectangle around the given object. (Use CV_RGB(255,0,0) for red color) void drawRect(IplImage *img, const CvRect rect, const CvScalar color DEFAULT(CV_RGB(220,0,0))); // Draw a filled rectangle around the given object. void drawRectFilled(IplImage *img, const CvRect rect, const CvScalar color DEFAULT(CV_RGB(220,0,0))); // Print the label and then the rectangle information to the console for easy debugging void printRect(const CvRect rect, const char *label DEFAULT(0)); // Make sure the given rectangle is completely within the given image dimensions. CvRect cropRect(const CvRect rectIn, int w, int h); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Image transforming functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns a new image that is a cropped version of the original image. // Remember to free the new image later. IplImage* cropImage(const IplImage *img, const CvRect region); // Creates a new image copy that is of a desired size. The aspect ratio will be kept constant if desired, by cropping the desired region. // Remember to free the new image later. IplImage* resizeImage(const IplImage *origImg, int newWidth, int newHeight, bool keepAspectRatio); // Rotate the image clockwise and possibly scale the image. Use 'mapRotatedImagePoint()' to map pixels from the src to dst image. IplImage *rotateImage(const IplImage *src, float angleDegrees, float scale DEFAULT(1.0f)); // Get the position of a pixel in the image after the rotateImage() operation. CvPoint2D32f mapRotatedImagePoint(const CvPoint2D32f pointOrig, const IplImage *image, float angleRadians, float scale DEFAULT(1.0f)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Image utility functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Paste multiple images next to each other as a single image, for saving or displaying. // Remember to free the returned image. // Sample usage: cvSaveImage("out.png", combineImages(2, img1, img2) ); // Modified by Shervin from the cvShowManyImages() function on the OpenCVWiki by Parameswaran. // 'combineImagesResized()' will resize all images to 300x300, whereas 'combineImages()' doesn't resize the images at all. IplImage* combineImagesResized(int nArgs, ...); IplImage* combineImages(int nArgs, ...); // Do Bilateral Filtering to smooth the image noise but preserve the edges. // A smoothness of 5 is very little filtering, and 100 is very high filtering. // Remember to free the returned image. IplImage* smoothImageBilateral(const IplImage *src, float smoothness DEFAULT(30)); // Blend color images 'image1' and 'image2' using an 8-bit alpha-blending mask channel. // Equivalent to this operation on each pixel: imageOut = image1 * (1-(imageAlphaMask/255)) + image2 * (imageAlphaMask/255) // So if a pixel in imageAlphMask is 0, then that pixel in imageOut will be image1, or if imageAlphaMask is 255 then imageOut is image2, // or if imageAlphaMask was 200 then imageOut would be: image1 * 0.78 + image2 * 0.22 // Returns a new image, so remember to call 'cvReleaseImage()' on the result. IplImage* blendImage(const IplImage* image1, const IplImage* image2, const IplImage* imageAlphaMask); // Get an 8-bit equivalent of the 32-bit Float Matrix. // Returns a new image, so remember to call 'cvReleaseImage()' on the result. IplImage* convertMatrixToUcharImage(const CvMat *srcMat); // Get a normal 8-bit uchar image equivalent of the 32-bit float greyscale image. // Returns a new image, so remember to call 'cvReleaseImage()' on the result. IplImage* convertFloatImageToUcharImage(const IplImage *srcImg); // Save the given image to a JPG or BMP file, even if its format isn't an 8-bit image, such as a 32bit image. int saveImage(const char *filename, const IplImage *image); // Store a greyscale floating-point CvMat image into a BMP/JPG/GIF/PNG image, // since cvSaveImage() can only handle 8bit images (not 32bit float images). void saveFloatMat(const char *filename, const CvMat *src); // Store a greyscale floating-point CvMat image into a BMP/JPG/GIF/PNG image, // since cvSaveImage() can only handle 8bit images (not 32bit float images). void saveFloatImage(const char *filename, const IplImage *srcImg); // Draw some text onto an image using printf() format. void drawText(IplImage *img, CvPoint position, CvScalar color, char *fmt, ...); // Print the label and then some text info about the IplImage properties, to LOG() for easy debugging. void printImageInfo(const IplImage *image_tile, const char *label DEFAULT(0)); // Print the pixel values of the IplImage, to LOG() for easy debugging. maxElements of 0 will print all the data. void printImagePixels(const IplImage *image, const char *label DEFAULT(0), int maxElements DEFAULT(300)); // Print the label and then contents of a cv::Mat from the C++ interface (using "LOG()") for easy debugging. void printMat(const cv::Mat M, const char *label DEFAULT(0), int maxElements DEFAULT(300)); // Print the label and then contents of the Matrix (using "LOG()") for easy debugging. maxElements of 0 will print all the data. void printMatrix(const CvMat *M, const char *label DEFAULT(0), int maxElements DEFAULT(300)); // Print the label and info of a cv::Mat from the C++ interface (using "LOG()") for easy debugging. void printMatInfo(const cv::Mat M, const char *label DEFAULT(0)); // Print the x & y coords of the given point. If 'label' is supplied, prints that first, and also prints a newline character on the end. void printPoint32f(const CvPoint2D32f pt, const char *label DEFAULT(0)); // Print the start & end coords of the given line. If 'label' is supplied, prints that first, and also prints a newline character on the end. void printLine(const CvPoint ptA, const CvPoint ptB, const char *label DEFAULT(0)); // Just for debugging float images & matrices. void printDataRange(const CvArr *src, const char *msg); #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* IMAGEUTILS_H_ */