oop test

743 ワード

Write declarations for the following
a pointer to a character;
an array of 10 integers;
a refernce to an array of 10 integers;
a pointer to an array of character strings;
a pointer to a pointer to a character;
a constant integer;
a pointer to a constant integer;
a constant pointer to an integer.
Initialize each one.

using namespace  std;
int main()
 char c='s';
 char *p=&c;
 int z[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};
 int (&re)[10]=z;
 string st[15];
 string *str=st;
 char **po=&p;
 const int i=15;
 const int *q=&i;
 int *const temp=z;
 return 0;

Give the funct