Introduction to C++

2641 ワード

LT1 Intro to programming
Computer: Motherboard + CPU + RAM (Primary Storage) + Secondary Storage
Programming Languages
  • Machine Language (Binary Code): Directly executable by computer
  • Symbolic Language (*Assembly Language): Abbrivs representing elementary operations
  • High-Level Language: Closer to human language. eg C, C++, Java

  • Building a C++ Program
  • Writing source code -> CPP file
  • Preprocessing: process the source code for compilation: Preprocessor Directives
  • Compilation: Syntax check, Generate Object Code from source
  • Linking: Combine object code and libraries to create an executable

  • Differences between programming languages
  • Syntax
  • Libraries, SDK, Functions

  • Programming
  • Develop the logic
  • Implement into programming language
  • Testing

  • which requires
  • Correct syntax & logic
  • Efficiency, Scalability, Maintainability

  • Computer program
  • From the External View, the basic elements are Input -> Process -> Output
  • From the Internal View, the computer program is
  • Logically ordered Instructions + Data (Variables & Constants)

  • A Simple Program
    Preprocessor Directive
    #include  // Include the library into the program
    using namespace std; // Preprocessor Directive std::cout -> cout (shorthand name)

    Left Brace { and Right Brace } marks the beginning and end of the func body
    The wheels made for reuse, especially for repeating tasks/low-level operations. e.g.: , The reusing code is well designed and packed into Libraries Standard C++ comes with extensive libraries
    Object An instance of a class cout< cout is an object provided by iostream library for screen output << : output operator outputs values to the output device, ie cout
    Object is a unit that stores values and provides functions for the values.
    An abstract from the real world
    A simple C++ Program
    #include  // Preprocessor Directive
    using namespace std; // Namespace Declaration
    int main(){ // Beginning of main() function body 
        cout<< "Hello, world!
    "; // starting point of the main function, use output operator << of cout object return 0; //return statement }