Programming in C++, Rules and Recommendations

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Programming in C++, Rules and Recommendations
By Mats Henricson and Erik Nyquist.
Original translation from Swedish by Joseph Supanich
Copyright © 1990-1992 by Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Laboratories
Box 1505
125 25 Älvsjö
Tel: int + 46 8 727 30 00
Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and distribute this document, provided that this complete copyright and permission notice is maintained intact in all copies.
Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Laboratories makes no representations about the suitability of this document or the examples described herein for any purpose. It is provided `as is' without any expressed or implied warranty.
The original document is available in compressed Postscript format for A4 and US letter paper sizes.
Table of Contents
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Terminology
  • 3. General Recommendations
  • 4. Source Code in Files
  • 4.1. Structure of Code
  • 4.2. Naming Files
  • 4.4. Include Files

  • 5. Assigning Names
  • 6. Style
  • 6.1. Classes
  • 6.2. Functions
  • 6.3. Compound Statements
  • 6.4. Flow Control Statements
  • 6.5. Pointers and References
  • 6.6. Miscellaneous

  • 7. Classes
  • 7.1. Considerations Regarding Access Rights
  • 7.2. Inline Functions
  • 7.3. Friends
  • 7.4. const Member Functions
  • 7.5. Constructors and Destructors
  • 7.6. Assignment Operators
  • 7.7. Operator Overloading
  • 7.8. Member Function Return Types
  • 7.9. Inheritance

  • 8. Class Templates
  • 9. Functions
  • 9.1. Function Arguments
  • 9.2. Function Overloading
  • 9.3. Formal Arguments
  • 9.4. Return Types and Values
  • 9.5. Inline Functions
  • 9.6. Temporary Objects
  • 9.7. General

  • 10. Constants
  • 11. Variables
  • 12. Pointers and References
  • 13. Type Conversions
  • 14. Flow Control Structures
  • 15. Expressions
  • 16. Memory Allocation
  • 17. Fault Handling
  • 18. Portable Code
  • 18.1. Data Abstraction
  • 18.2. Sizes of Types
  • 18.3. Type Conversions
  • 18.4. Data Representation
  • 18.5. Underflow/Overflow
  • 18.6. Order of Execution
  • 18.7. Temporary Objects
  • 18.8. Pointer Arithmetic

  • 19. References
  • 20. Summary of Rules
  • 21. Summary of Recommendations
  • 22. Summary of Portability Recommendations