
17525 ワード

マシン構成:CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804(Core)、8コア12 G
現在時刻の最新バージョンのvimとYoucompleteMeプラグインのインストールを検討します.YouCompleteMeの公式サイトで紹介されているインストール方法を参照すると、vim/gcc/clangd/cmake/pythonは比較的高いバージョンでインストールに成功する必要があります.私たちはdockerミラーを作るために、古いベースosを選ぶことはできません.YCM公式サイトのアドバイスを参考に、基本OSはubuntu 20.04 LTSを選択します.hub.docker.comに直接作成されたミラーファイル.プロファイルは以下の3つのプロファイルを用意する必要があります.本文は直接原文の内容を以下のように貼り付けます.
set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required
set encoding=utf-8
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
Plugin 'godlygeek/csapprox'
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required

set cst
set csto=1 
set nocsverb
set csverb

"set smd        "set showmode
"set sc         "set showcmd

set aw         "set autowrite
set awa        "set autowriteall

set  title

if has("autocmd")
  autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
  au BufReadPost * exe "normal! g`\""

syntax enable
syntax on     "   syn on

"set nows          "set nowrapscan              
set ws

set hls    "set hlsearch
"set nohls  "set nohlsearch 

"          set cursorline
set cul         "      set nocul
"set nocul

set is       "set incsearch
"set nois       "set noincsearch

"   backspace       ,    ,     ,   
set backspace=indent,eol,start

set ic   "    set noic
"set scs  "    set noscs

"               ,    
set wildmenu

"set foldmethod=syntax
set foldmethod=manual
"    vim         
set foldlevel=100
set fdc=1      "set foldcolumn=1 

set helplang=cn
"set helplang=en

"  C     (indent)
set cin   

set nu
"set nonu

"  256  
set t_Co=256
"colorscheme    colo
"colo colorful 
"colo white2 
colo  desert
"colo  night
"colo  navajo
"colo  lucius
"colo  blackdust
"colo  freya
"colo  darkslategray
"colo  torte
"colo  fruidle
"colo colorful

set ru "set ruler
"set noru "set noruler

set history=1000

"filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype plugin indent on   

set ww=b,s,,[,]  ",h,l

set winaltkeys=no

"    GBK UTF-8  
set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,gbk,cp936
set fileencoding=utf-8
set encoding=utf-8
"          Vim,    termencoding           。  :
set termencoding=utf-8 

"    ctags      
"map    : !  ${HOME}/tools/gen_tags_by_dingbin.bash "%:p:h" z6tags  
"map    : !  ${HOME}/tools/gen_tags_by_dingbin.bash "%:p:h" oatags  
"map    : !  ${HOME}/tools/gen_tags_by_dingbin.bash "%:p:h" qttags  

"map     : cs show : let @i = &tags  :let @j = $CSCOPE_TAGS  : !genvimtags -vimCtags i -vimCscope j  :so ${VIM_SCRIPT_HOME}/configure/vimSourceFile 
"map     : cs show : let @i = &tags  :let @j = $CSCOPE_TAGS  : !genvimtags  -g -vimCtags i -vimCscope j  :so ${VIM_SCRIPT_HOME}/configure/vimSourceFile  

"  grep      
"nnoremap   :Grep

"       ,       4    。
" shiftWidth,        ,  <>,cindent
set shiftwidth=4         

"softtabstop,sts,   0,
"      ,                  
set softtabstop=4     "set sts=4

"       Tab      。
"          Tab      ,              ,        Tab      。 
"       ,     tab   ,   CTRL-V CTRL-Q,   tab   
set et    "      set noet
"Tab     4    。
set ts=4      " set tabstop=4

"Tab      !
"nnoremap   :tabnext:TlistClose:TlistToggle
"nnoremap   :tabprev:TlistClose:TlistToggle
"nnoremap   :tabnext:TlistClose
"nnoremap   :tabprev:TlistClose

""  tab    
"map tn :tabnext
"map tp :tabprevious
"map td :tabnew .
"map te :tabedit
"map tc :tabclose
""map tf :tabnew %:p:TlistClose:TlistToggle
"map tf :tabnew %:p:TlistClose

set nobackup                                                        
set wb          "set writebackup
"set nowb         "set nowritebackup

"     ,             
set sm            "set showmatch               
set matchtime=2

set magic                   

"                ,       vim     
set hidden                  

set smartindent             
set autoindent
"             。         cindent   ,           C/C++         。
set ai

"      Ctrl+c   
"vmap  "+y
"            e b   word             
"set keymodel=                    "      
set keymodel=startsel,stopsel     "     

"visual        (*,#)  
vnoremap  *  y/"  
vnoremap  #  y?"  
nnoremap  g[  :tag =expand("")
vnoremap  g[  :tag *

:inoremap ( ()i
:inoremap [ []i
:inoremap ;; A;

"      Ctrl+ h,j,k,l           、 、 、    
"      ctrl+ w,b             ctrl+w(      ),ctrl+b(
"      )
inoremap  b
inoremap  w
"      ctrl+ f(front),Ctrl+e(end)             , 
"     ctrl + d,        backspace ,
"     ctrl + x,        delete ,

"        ,               
set selection=inclusive

"     。       ,       ,            。          ,              。
set nowrap
"set wrap

set tw=80       "set textwidth=80

"       。          ,                     。
set guioptions-=b
"  vim GUI   toolbar
set guioptions+=T
"  vim GUI   menubar
set guioptions+=m

"    ,         ,             
"           ,  :         ,      
set lbr           "set linebreak
"             。 m              ,             。
"B              ,             。                   。
set fo+=mB

"set fileencoding=gbk
"set guifont=Courier\ 11 
"set guifont=Inconsolata\ Medium\ 9  "      vim  
"set guifont=Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI
"set gfw=  :h10.5:cGB2312
set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 13

"          ,       
set mousemodel=popup
set selectmode=

"       ctrl+d,ctrl+u   ,        ,   
set scr=4


""Taglist plugin settings 
"let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag = 1
"let Tlist_Hightlight_Tag_On_BufEnter = 1
"let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 0   "if 0 focus at code window, if 1 focus at tag window
""  vim    taglist
"let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0 
""            tag ,        
"let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
""    taglist          ,    vim
"let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
"let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
"" taglist         ,      
"let Tlist_Use_Right_Window=1 
""  taglist  
"let Tlist_Show_Menu = 1
""taglist window width
"let Tlist_WinWidth = 40
"let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1
""       taglist         ,      .
"let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 1
""     ,    tag        ,       
"let Tlist_Compact_Format = 1
"" tag        ,  "order"  "name",    order,    s  ,
"let Tlist_Sort_Type = "order"
""  +     Tab  
""  Gnome-terminal     ,    Terminal     TAB  ,  ALT+     
""        .        ,     :
"noremap  1gt
"noremap  2gt
"noremap  3gt
"noremap  4gt
"noremap  5gt
"noremap  6gt
"noremap  7gt
"noremap  8gt
"noremap  9gt
"noremap  10gt
""Winmanager plugin settings 
"let g:winManagerWindowLayout='FileExplorer|TagList'
""let g:winManagerWindowLayout = BufExplorer,FileExplorer|TagList"
""let g:winManagerWindowLayout = TagList|FileExplorer,BufExplorer"
""  winmanager   ,   25
""let g:winManagerWidth = 30
""      winmanager  
"nmap wm :WMToggle
""nmap   :WMToggle
"nmap   :TlistToggle
""  winmanager.vim, function! StartWindowsManager()     :
"" :wincmd H    wincmd L:
"" for now assume that the explorer windows always stay on the left.
"" TODO: make this optional later
"" make the explorers window always stay on the right ---by chenyong
""        wincmd H
""wincmd L
""2)  vim    winmanager
""   vim     winmanager
"let g:AutoOpenWinManager = 0
""    winmanager.vim   :
""set auto open Winmanager 
""if g:AutoOpenWinManager 
""autocmd VimEnter * nested call s:StartWindowsManager()|1wincmd w  
""3)      ,    vim
""        taglist       , taglist.vim    。
""  :function! s:Tlist_Window_Exit_Only_Window()  winbunr(2)  winbunr(3),
""   2      ,   2          ,         : 
""   vimrc     :
""let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1
""QuickFix plugin settings 
"nmap  :cw:cn
"nmap  :cw:cp
"nmap  :cclose
""       quickfix       cscope   
":set cscopequickfix=s-,g-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-,f-
""cscope find"   :
""cs find c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t name
""0   s         C   (      )
""1   g          
""2   d               
""3   c               
""4   t           
""6   e         egrep   
""7   f          
""8   i               
"nmap s :cs find s =expand("")
"nmap g :cs find g =expand("")
"nmap c :cs find c =expand("")
"nmap t :cs find t =expand("")
"nmap e :cs find e =expand("")
"nmap f :cs find f =expand("")
"nmap i :cs find i ^=expand("")$
"nmap d :cs find d =expand("")
""           a.vim settings
""nnoremap   :A 
""A           Buffer    c\h  
""AS              c\h  
""AV              c\h  
""AT               c\h  
""  F11 : set csto=1, F12 : set csto=0
"nnoremap   :set csto=1  
"nnoremap   :set csto=0  
"" set cs hotkey
"nmap s :cs find s =expand("")
"nmap g :cs find g =expand("")
"nmap c :cs find c =expand("")
"nmap t :cs find t =expand("")
"nmap e :cs find e =expand("")
"nmap f :cs find f =expand("")
"nmap i :cs find i ^=expand("")$
"nmap d :cs find d =expand("")
"" Using 'CTRL-spacebar' then a search type makes the vim window
"" split horizontally, with search result displayed in
"" the new window.
"nmap s :scs find s =expand("")
"nmap g :scs find g =expand("")
"nmap c :scs find c =expand("")
"nmap t :scs find t =expand("")