(C/C++) memset

1267 ワード

memset   extern void *memset(void *buffer,int c,int count);   #include 機能:bufferが指すメモリ領域の前countバイトを文字cに設定説明:bufferへのポインタを返す.
char a[100];          memset(a,'\0',sizeof(a));
byte[]   test =   new   byte[65536];    
You could use  Enumerable.Repeat :
byte[] a = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)10, 100).ToArray();

The first parameter is the element you want repeated, and the second parameter is the number of times to repeat it.
This is OK for small arrays but you should use the looping method if you are dealing with very large arrays and performance is a concern.