STM 32 F 103 C 8 T 6 aduino環境でプログラミング

本稿では、まずstm 32開発ボードのサポートを追加してaduinoideを起動し、ツール>開発ボード>開発ボードマネージャのインタフェースでArduino SAM Boardsを検索してArduino SAM Boards(32-bits ARM Cortex-M 3)開発ボードのプロジェクトインストールを選択する
ライブラリパッケージをダウンロードし、ARDUINO IDEインストールディレクトリのhardwareフォルダの下に解凍します.
第3の再起動ideツール>開発ボードは自分のボードのサブチップの型番に従って開発ボードシリーズを選択して、本文はGeneric STM 32 F 103 C seriesツール>Upload method:“Serial”のアップロード方式はシリアルツールを選択します>ポートは自分の対応するシリアル番号を選択します
ハードウェアの接続にはシリアルポート装置(一般的にはusb回転ttlシリアルポート)VとGが必要であることは言うまでもないが、usbttlのrxとtxはそれぞれ開発ボードのPA 9(Tx 1)PA 10(Rx 1)に接続されていることに注意してください.
板の上の黄色い線が出ているので注意してくださいboot 0接3.3 boot 1接gnd
注意プレート上のledランプはPC 13に接続されており、プログラムは以下の通りである.
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin PB1 as an output.
  pinMode(PC13, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(PC13, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(250);              // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(PC13, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(250);              // wait for a second


      12648   ,    (19%)       。    65536   。
       2456  ,(11%)     ,  18024      。   20480  。

stm32flash 0.4

Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_w32: 115200 8E1
Version      : 0x22
Option 1     : 0x00
Option 2     : 0x00
Device ID    : 0x0410 (Medium-density)
- RAM        : 20KiB  (512b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash      : 128KiB (sector size: 4x1024)
- Option RAM : 16b
- System RAM : 2KiB
Write to memory
Erasing memory

Wrote address 0x08000100 (2.02%) 
Wrote address 0x08000200 (4.05%) 
Wrote address 0x08000300 (6.07%) 
Wrote address 0x08000400 (8.10%) 
Wrote address 0x08000500 (10.12%) 
Wrote address 0x08000600 (12.14%) 
Wrote address 0x08000700 (14.17%) 
Wrote address 0x08000800 (16.19%) 
Wrote address 0x08000900 (18.22%) 
Wrote address 0x08000a00 (20.24%) 
Wrote address 0x08000b00 (22.26%) 
Wrote address 0x08000c00 (24.29%) 
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Wrote address 0x08000f00 (30.36%) 
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Wrote address 0x08001100 (34.41%) 
Wrote address 0x08001200 (36.43%) 
Wrote address 0x08001300 (38.46%) 
Wrote address 0x08001400 (40.48%) 
Wrote address 0x08001500 (42.50%) 
Wrote address 0x08001600 (44.53%) 
Wrote address 0x08001700 (46.55%) 
Wrote address 0x08001800 (48.58%) 
Wrote address 0x08001900 (50.60%) 
Wrote address 0x08001a00 (52.62%) 
Wrote address 0x08001b00 (54.65%) 
Wrote address 0x08001c00 (56.67%) 
Wrote address 0x08001d00 (58.70%) 
Wrote address 0x08001e00 (60.72%) 
Wrote address 0x08001f00 (62.75%) 
Wrote address 0x08002000 (64.77%) 
Wrote address 0x08002100 (66.79%) 
Wrote address 0x08002200 (68.82%) 
Wrote address 0x08002300 (70.84%) 
Wrote address 0x08002400 (72.87%) 
Wrote address 0x08002500 (74.89%) 
Wrote address 0x08002600 (76.91%) 
Wrote address 0x08002700 (78.94%) 
Wrote address 0x08002800 (80.96%) 
Wrote address 0x08002900 (82.99%) 
Wrote address 0x08002a00 (85.01%) 
Wrote address 0x08002b00 (87.03%) 
Wrote address 0x08002c00 (89.06%) 
Wrote address 0x08002d00 (91.08%) 
Wrote address 0x08002e00 (93.11%) 
Wrote address 0x08002f00 (95.13%) 
Wrote address 0x08003000 (97.15%) 
Wrote address 0x08003100 (99.18%) 
Wrote address 0x08003168 (100.00%) Done.

Starting execution at address 0x08000000... done.
