[C++]UVaLive7324 ASCII Addtion

8164 ワード

Nowadays, there are smartphone applications that instantly translate text and even solve math problems if you just point your phone’s camera at them. Your job is to implement a much simpler functionality reminiscent of the past — add two integers written down as ASCII art. An ASCII art is a matrix of characters, exactly 7 rows high, with each individual character either a dot (.) or the lowercase letter ‘x’. An expression of the form a + b is given, where both a and b are positive integers. The expression is converted into ASCII art by writing all the expression characters (the digits of a and b as well as the ‘+’ sign) as 7 × 5 matrices, and concatenating the matrices together with a single column of dot characters between consecutive individual matrices. The exact matrices corresponding to the digits and the ‘+’ sign are as folows:
xxxxx   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   x...x   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   .....
x...x   ....x   ....x   ....x   x...x   x....   x....   ....x   x...x   x...x   ..x..
x...x   ....x   ....x   ....x   x...x   x....   x....   ....x   x...x   x...x   ..x..
x...x   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   xxxxx
x...x   ....x   x....   ....x   ....x   ....x   x...x   ....x   x...x   ....x   ..x..
x...x   ....x   x....   ....x   ....x   ....x   x...x   ....x   x...x   ....x   ..x..
xxxxx   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   ....x   xxxxx   xxxxx   .....

Given an ASCII art for an expression of the form a + b, find the result of the addition and write it out in the ASCII art form.
The input file contains several test cases, each of them as described below. Input consists of exactly 7 lines and contains the ASCII art for an expression of the form a + b, where both a and b are positive integers consisting of at most 9 decimal digits and written without leading zeros.
For each test case, output 7 lines containing ASCII art corresponding to the result of the addition, without leading zeros.
Sample Input

Sample Output


中のdigitsのアルゴリズムは方程式によって得られた.文字(数字またはプラス記号)の幅は5で、n文字があると仮定すると、幅は5 nである;n文字の間にn-1'.'があるので、行の総長さは5 n+n-1=6*n-1=lenであり、n=(len+1)/6を押し出す
struct Num{
    const char* n[7];   //            7         
char ccin[7][120];      //        
char ccout[7][120];     //          
int cmp(int index){     //                  
    for(int m = 0;m < 10;m ++){
        bool ok = true;
        for(int i = 0;i < 7;i ++)
            for(int j = 0;j < 5;j ++)
                if(nums[m].n[i][j]!=ccin[i][j+index]){ ok=false; break;}
        if(ok) return m;
    return -1;  //               ,  -1
int ccount(int sum){        //      
    int c = 0;
        sum /= 10; ++c;
    return c;
int main()
        for(int i = 1;i < 7;i ++) scanf("%s",ccin[i]);
        int len = strlen(ccin[0]);
        int digits = (len+1)/6;     //        
        int sum = 0,mul = 1,i;
        for(i = 0;i < digits;i ++){
            int bit = cmp(len-1-(4+i*6));
            if(bit<0){ len = len-1-(4+i*6)-1; break; }
            sum += bit*mul; //   
            mul *= 10;
        digits -= i + 1; mul = 1;
        for(i = 0;i < digits;i ++){
            int bit = cmp(len-1-(4+i*6));
            sum += bit*mul;
            mul *= 10;
        int final = ccount(sum);
        for(i = 0;i < final;i ++){
            int e = 1;
            for(int l = 0;l < final - 1 - i;l ++)
            int bit = sum / e;
            for(int j = 0;j < 7;j ++){
                for(int k = 0;k < 5;k ++)
                    ccout[j][k+i*6] = nums[bit].n[j][k];
                if(i!=final-1) ccout[j][(i+1)*6-1]='.';
        for(i = 0;i < 7;i ++)
",ccout[i]); memset(ccin,0,sizeof(ccin)); memset(ccout,0,sizeof(ccout)); } return 0; }