
class A;
class B {
    std::shared_ptr _a_ptr;
    ~B() { std::cout << "BBB" << std::endl; }

class A {
    std::shared_ptr _b_ptr;
    ~A() { std::cout << "AAA" << std::endl; }

int main() {
        std::shared_ptr a(new A);
        std::shared_ptr b(new B);
        a->_b_ptr = b;
        b->_a_ptr = a;
    int a = 0;

class A {
    std::weak_ptr _b_ptr;
    ~A() { std::cout << "AAA" << std::endl; }

//reference count class
class CRefCount {
    // construct
    CRefCount() : _uses(1), _weaks(0) {}

    // ensure that derived classes can be destroyed properly
    virtual ~CRefCount() noexcept {}

    // increment use count
    void IncrefUse() {  

    // increment weak reference count
    void IncrefWeak() {

    //decrement use count
    bool DecrefUse() {  
        if (--_uses == 0) { 
            return true;
        return false;

    // decrement weak reference count
    bool DecrefWeak() {
        if (--_weaks == 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    // return use count
    long GetUseCount() const {  
        return _uses;

    // return true if _uses == 0
    bool Expired() const  { 
        return (_uses == 0);

    std::atomic_long _uses;
    std::atomic_long _weaks;

// base class for CMemSharePtr and CMemWeakPtr
template<typename T>
class CBasePtr {
    typedef CBasePtr                 _BasePtr;
    typedef std::function<void(T*&)>    _PtrDeleter;
    typedef std::function<void(CRefCount*&)>    _RefDeleter;
    typedef std::pair<_ptrdeleter _refdeleter=""> _Deleter;

    // construct
    CBasePtr() noexcept : _ptr(0), _ref_count(0), _deleter(std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr)){}
    CBasePtr(T* ptr, CRefCount* ref) noexcept : _ptr(ptr), _ref_count(ref), _deleter(std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr)) {}
    CBasePtr(T* ptr, CRefCount* ref, _Deleter& func) noexcept : _ptr(ptr), _ref_count(ref), _deleter(func) {}

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    CBasePtr(const _BasePtr& r) : _ptr(r._ptr), _ref_count(r._ref_count), _deleter(r._deleter) {
        if (_ref_count) {

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    CBasePtr(_BasePtr&& r) : _ptr(r._ptr), _ref_count(r._ref_count), _deleter(r._deleter) {
        r._ptr          = nullptr;
        r._ref_count    = nullptr;
        r._deleter      = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    _BasePtr& operator=(_BasePtr&& r) {
        _ptr            = r._ptr;
        _ref_count      = r._ref_count;
        _deleter        = r._deleter;

        r._ptr          = nullptr;
        r._ref_count    = nullptr;
        r._deleter      = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
        return (*this);

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    _BasePtr& operator=(const _BasePtr& r) {
        _ptr         = r._ptr;
        _ref_count   = r._ref_count;
        _deleter     = r._deleter;
        if (_ref_count) {
        return (*this);

    // return use count
    long UseCount() const noexcept {    
        return (_ref_count ? _ref_count->GetUseCount() : 0);

    // return pointer to resource
    T* Get() const noexcept {   
        return (_ptr);

    // test if expired
    bool Expired() const noexcept { 
        return (!_ref_count || _ref_count->Expired());

    // release resource
    void Reset() {  
        Reset(0, 0);

    // release resource and take ownership from CMemWeakPtr _Other._Ptr
    void Reset(const _BasePtr& other) {
        Reset(other._ptr, other._ref_count, other._deleter);

    // release resource and take _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
    void Reset(T *other_ptr, CRefCount * other_rep, _Deleter& deleter) {    
        if (other_rep)
        _Reset0(other_ptr, other_rep, deleter);

    // release weak reference to resource
    void Resetw() {
        _Resetw(0, 0);

    // release weak reference to resource and take _Other._Ptr
    void Resetw(_BasePtr& other) {
        Resetw(other._ptr, other._ref_count, other._deleter);

    void Resetw(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep, _Deleter& func) {
        if (other_rep)
        _Resetw0(other_ptr, other_rep, func);

    // release resource and take _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
    void Reset(T *other_ptr, CRefCount * other_rep) {
        if (other_rep)
        _Reset0(other_ptr, other_rep);

    // release resource and take new resource
    void _Reset0(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep) {

        _ref_count = other_rep;
        _ptr       = other_ptr;
        _deleter   = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);

    // release resource and take new resource
    void _Reset0(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep, _Deleter& func) {

        _ref_count  = other_rep;
        _ptr        = other_ptr;
        _deleter    = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);

    // decrement use reference count
    void _DecrefUse() {
        if (_ref_count && _ref_count->DecrefUse()) {

    // decrement use reference count
    void _DecrefWeak() {
        if (_ref_count && _ref_count->DecrefWeak()) {

    // point to _Other_ptr through _Other_rep
    void _Resetw(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep) {  
        if (other_rep)
        _Resetw0(other_ptr, other_rep);

    // release resource and take new resource
    void _Resetw0(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep) {

        _ref_count  = other_rep;
        _ptr        = other_ptr;
        _deleter    = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);

    // release resource and take new resource
    void _Resetw0(T *other_ptr, CRefCount *other_rep, _Deleter& func) {

        _ref_count  = other_rep;
        _ptr        = other_ptr;
        _deleter    = func;

    //release resource
    virtual void _Destroy() noexcept {
        if (_deleter.first) {
        if (_deleter.second) {

    virtual void _DestroyThis() noexcept {


    virtual ~CBasePtr() {}

    T           *_ptr;
    CRefCount   *_ref_count;
    std::pair<_ptrdeleter _refdeleter=""> _deleter;

// class for reference counted resource management
template<class T>
class CMemSharePtr : public CBasePtr {   
    // construct
    CMemSharePtr() noexcept : CBasePtr() {}
    CMemSharePtr(T* ptr, CRefCount* ref) noexcept : CBasePtr(ptr, ref) {}
    CMemSharePtr(T* ptr, CRefCount* ref, _Deleter& func) noexcept : CBasePtr(ptr, ref, func) {}

    CMemSharePtr(const _BasePtr& r) : CBasePtr(r) {}
    CMemSharePtr(_BasePtr&& r) : CBasePtr(r) {}

    CMemSharePtr& operator=(_BasePtr&& r) {
        return (*this);

    CMemSharePtr& operator=(const _BasePtr& r) {
        return (*this);

    ~CMemSharePtr() {  

    _BasePtr& operator==(const _BasePtr& r) noexcept {
        return _ptr == r._ptr;

    // return pointer to resource
    T *operator->() const noexcept {
        return (this->Get());

    template<typename T2>
    T2 *operator->() const noexcept {
        return dynamic_cast(this->Get());

    // return pointer to resource
    T operator*() const noexcept {
        return (*(this->Get()));

    // return true if no other CMemSharePtr object owns this resource
    bool unique() const noexcept {
        return (this->UseCount() == 1);

    // test if CMemSharePtr object owns no resource
    explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
        return (this->Get() != 0);

// class for pointer to reference counted resource.
// construc from CMemSharePtr
template<class T>
class CMemWeakPtr : public CBasePtr {
    CMemWeakPtr() {

    CMemWeakPtr(_BasePtr& r) {

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    CMemWeakPtr& operator=(_BasePtr&& r) {
        return (*this);

    // construct CBasePtr object that takes resource from _Right
    CMemWeakPtr& operator=(_BasePtr& r) {
        return (*this);

    // release resource
    ~CMemWeakPtr() noexcept {

    // convert to CMemSharePtr
    CMemSharePtr Lock() const noexcept {
        if (Expired()) {
            return CMemWeakPtr();
        return (CMemSharePtr(*this));

templateT, typename... Args >
CMemSharePtr<T> MakeNewSharedPtr(CMemaryPool& pool, Args&&... args) {
    T* o = pool.PoolNew<T>(std::forward(args)...);
    CRefCount* ref = pool.PoolNew<CRefCount>();
    std::pair::function(T*&)>, std::function(CRefCount*&)>> del = std::make_pair(std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolDelete<T>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolDelete<CRefCount>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1));
    return CMemSharePtr<T>(o, ref, del);

CMemSharePtr<T> MakeMallocSharedPtr(CMemaryPool& pool, int size) {
    T* o = (T*)pool.PoolMalloc<T>(size);
    CRefCount* ref = pool.PoolNew<CRefCount>();
    std::pair::function(T*&)>, std::function(CRefCount*&)>> del = std::make_pair(std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolFree<T>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1, size), std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolDelete<CRefCount>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1));
    return CMemSharePtr<T>(o, ref, del);

CMemSharePtr<T> MakeLargeSharedPtr(CMemaryPool& pool) {
    T* o = pool.PoolLargeMalloc<T>();
    CRefCount* ref = pool.PoolNew<CRefCount>();
    std::pair::function(T*&)>, std::function(CRefCount*&)>> del = std::make_pair(std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolLargeFree<T>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1), std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolDelete<CRefCount>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1));
    return CMemSharePtr<T>(o, ref, del);

CMemSharePtr<T> MakeLargeSharedPtr(CMemaryPool& pool, int size) {
    T* o = pool.PoolLargeMalloc<T>(size);
    CRefCount* ref = pool.PoolNew<CRefCount>();
    std::pair::function(T*&)>, std::function(CRefCount*&)>> del = std::make_pair(std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolLargeFree<T>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1, size), std::bind(&CMemaryPool::PoolDelete<CRefCount>, &pool, std::placeholders::_1));
    return CMemSharePtr<T>(o, ref, del);

#include "PoolSharedPtr.h"
int main() {
    CMemaryPool pool(1024, 10);
    auto ptr = MakeNewSharedPtr(pool, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    ptr->aaaa = 100;

        auto weak = CMemWeakPtr(ptr);
        auto ptrtr = weak.Lock();

    auto ptr2 = MakeMallocSharedPtr<char>(pool, 55);
    strcpy(*ptr2, "100000");

    auto ptr3 = MakeLargeSharedPtr<char>(pool);
    strcpy(*ptr3, "100000");

    CMemWeakPtr<char> ptr5;
        auto ptr4 = MakeMallocSharedPtr<char>(pool, 55);
            CMemSharePtr<char> ptr2(ptr4);
            CMemSharePtr<char> ptr2 = ptr4;

            ptr5 = ptr4;

    auto ptr6 = CMemSharePtr<char>();
    if (ptr6) {
        int a = 0;

    int a = 0;

template<class T>
class CEnableSharedFromThis {
    typedef T _EStype;
    CMemSharePtr memshared_from_this() {
        return (_weak_ptr.Lock());

    constexpr CEnableSharedFromThis() noexcept {

    CEnableSharedFromThis(const CEnableSharedFromThis&) noexcept {

    CEnableSharedFromThis& operator=(const CEnableSharedFromThis&) noexcept {
        return (*this);

    ~CEnableSharedFromThis() noexcept {

    template<class T1, class T2>
    friend void DoEnable(T1 *ptr, CEnableSharedFromThis *es, CRefCount *ref_ptr, CMemaryPool* pool = 0, int size = 0, MemoryType type = TYPE_NEW);
    CMemWeakPtr _weak_ptr;

template<typename T>
struct has_member_weak_ptr {
    template <typename _T>
    static auto check(_T)->typename std::decay<decltype(_T::_weak_ptr)>::type;
    static void check(...);
    using type = decltype(check(std::declval()));
    enum { value = !std::is_void::value };

template<class T>
inline void EnableShared(T *ptr, CRefCount *ref_ptr, CMemaryPool* pool, int size, MemoryType type) {
    if (ptr) {
        if (has_member_weak_ptr::value > 0) {
            DoEnable(ptr, (CEnableSharedFromThis*)ptr, ref_ptr, pool, size, type);
