
第四章Xtreme Toolkit Pro v 13.2使用マニュアル
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次のガイドは、Visual Studio 6.0アプリケーションウィザードを使用してOfficeメニューとツールバースタイルのMDIアプリケーションを作成する方法です.このテクニックは、バージョンを更新するVisual Studioにも適用されます.NET .
MFC AppWizardを使用して簡単なMDIアプリケーションを作成する:
  • Visual StudioからFile|Newを選択し、Projectsタグを選択する.
  • MFC Appwizard(exe)をプロジェクトカテゴリとして選択する、「MDISample」をプロジェクト名として入力.
    Visual Studio新規ダイアログ...
  • の最初のステップは、Multiple documentsが選択することを確認し、「Finish」ボタンを押す.

  • Xtremeコマンドツールバーコンポーネントを追加するには、次の手順に従います.
  • 次のコードをStdAfx.hファイルに追加します.
    Xtreme Toolkit Pro:
    #include  // Xtreme Toolkit Pro component library

  • MainFrm.hファイル、MDIアプリケーションに対してCXTPMDIFrameWndベースクラスを変更し、SDIアプリケーションに対してCXTPFrameWndベースクラスを変更します.
    class CMainFrame : public CXTPMDIFrameWnd

  • PreTranslateMessageまたはOnWndMsgを上書きする場合は、CXTPFrameWndまたはCXTPMDIFrameWndのベースクラスを呼び出します.たとえば、次のようにします.
    BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
    	if( !CXTPMDIFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) )
    		return FALSE;
    	// TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
    	//  the CREATESTRUCT cs
    	return TRUE;
    BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 
    	// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    	return CXTPMDIFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);

  • 次のコードをint CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)関数に追加します.
    int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    	if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
    		return -1;
    	if (!m_wndToolBar.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_TOP
    		TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar
    "); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT))) { TRACE0("Failed to create status bar
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // 3 // TODO: Delete these three lines if you don't want the toolbar to be dockable // m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar); // // if (!InitCommandBars()) return -1; // . CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars = GetCommandBars(); if(pCommandBars == NULL) { TRACE0("Failed to create command bars object.
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // CXTPCommandBar* pMenuBar = pCommandBars->SetMenu( _T("Menu Bar"), IDR_MDISAMTYPE); if(pMenuBar == NULL) { TRACE0("Failed to create menu bar.
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // CXTPToolBar* pToolBar = (CXTPToolBar*) pCommandBars->Add(_T("Standard"), xtpBarTop); if (!pToolBar || !pToolBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar
    "); return -1; } // Office 2003 CXTPPaintManager::SetTheme(xtpThemeOffice2003); return 0; }

    Office 2003インタフェースを持つMDIアプリケーションがあります.こんなに簡単です!

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Chapter 4: Tutorials for Using Xtreme Toolkit Pro v13.2
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    The following is a tutorial on how to create an MDI application using the Visual Studio 6.0 Application Wizard that will have Office style menus and toolbars. The same technique can be used for later versions of Visual Studio .NET as well.
    Create a simple MDI application using the MFC AppWizard:
  • From Visual Studio and select File thenNew and select theProjects tab.
  • Choose MFC Appwizard(exe) as your project type and enter ‘MDISample’ as the project name.
    Visual Studio New Dialog...
  • For the first step, make sure that Multiple documents is selected then press the ‘Finish’ button.

  • Add Xtreme Command Bars components:
  • Add the following line to your StdAfx.h file:
    Xtreme Toolkit Pro:
    #include  // Xtreme Toolkit Pro component library

  • In your MainFrm.h file you need to change your base class to be CXTPMDIFrameWnd for MDI applications or CXTPFrameWnd for SDI applications:
    class CMainFrame : public CXTPMDIFrameWnd

  • If you plan to override either PreTranslateMessage or OnWndMsg make sure that you call the CXTPFrameWnd or CXTPMDIFrameWnd base class, for example:
    BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
        // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
        return CXTPMDIFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
    BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode,
        void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo)
        // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
        return CXTPMDIFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);

  • Add the following code to the int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) function:
    int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
        if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
            return -1;
        // Create Status bar.
        // Important: All control bars including the Status Bar
        // must be created before CommandBars....
        if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) ||
            TRACE0("Failed to create status bar
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // Initialize the command bars if (!InitCommandBars()) return -1; // Get a pointer to the command bars object. CXTPCommandBars* pCommandBars = GetCommandBars(); if(pCommandBars == NULL) { TRACE0("Failed to create command bars object.
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // Add the menu bar CXTPCommandBar* pMenuBar = pCommandBars->SetMenu( _T("Menu Bar"), IDR_MDISAMTYPE); if(pMenuBar == NULL) { TRACE0("Failed to create menu bar.
    "); return -1; // fail to create } // Create ToolBar CXTPToolBar* pToolBar = (CXTPToolBar*) pCommandBars->Add(_T("Standard"), xtpBarTop); if (!pToolBar || !pToolBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar
    "); return -1; } // Set Office 2003 Theme CXTPPaintManager::SetTheme(xtpThemeOffice2003); return 0; }

    Now we have an MDI application with an Offiice 2003 interface...it’s that Easy!
    MDI Sample Application...