
11515 ワード

/**  *         */
class BinaryTree {
protected $key = NULL;      //        
protected $left = NULL;     //     
protected $right = NULL;    //     
/**      *           ,             *
* @param mixed $key     .
* @param mixed $left      .
* @param mixed $right      .
public function __construct( $key = NULL, $left = NULL, $right = NULL) {
       $this->key = $key;
        if ($key === NULL) {
            $this->left = NULL;
            $this->right = NULL;
        elseif ($left === NULL) {
            $this->left = new BinaryTree();
            $this->right = new BinaryTree();
        else {
            $this->left = $left;
            $this->right = $right;
     *     .
    public function __destruct() {
        $this->key = NULL;
        $this->left = NULL;
        $this->right = NULL;
    *      .
    public function purge () {
        $this->key = NULL;
        $this->left = NULL;
        $this->right = NULL;
     *             .
     * @return boolean                   ,    .
    public function isLeaf() {
        return !$this->isEmpty() &&
            $this->left->isEmpty() &&
     * @return boolean          ,    .
    public function isEmpty() {
        return $this->key === NULL;
     * Key getter.
     * @return mixed     .
    public function getKey() {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return $this->key;
     *      Key ,      
     * @param mixed $object    Key .
    public function attachKey($obj) {
        if (!$this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $this->key = $obj;
        $this->left = new BinaryTree();
        $this->right = new BinaryTree();
     *   key ,      .
    public function detachKey() {
        if (!$this->isLeaf())
            return false;
        $result = $this->key;
        $this->key = NULL;
        $this->left = NULL;
        $this->right = NULL;
        return $result;
     * @return object BinaryTree         .
    public function getLeft() {
        if ($this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        return $this->left;
     * @param object BinaryTree $t           .
    public function attachLeft(BinaryTree $t) {
        if ($this->isEmpty() || !$this->left->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $this->left = $t;
     * @return object BinaryTree          .
    public function detachLeft() {
        if ($this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $result = $this->left;
        $this->left = new BinaryTree();
        return $result;
     * @return object BinaryTree         .
    public function getRight() {
        if ($this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        return $this->right;
     * @param object BinaryTree $t         .
    public function attachRight(BinaryTree $t) {
        if ($this->isEmpty() || !$this->right->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $this->right = $t;
     *      ,       
     * @return object BinaryTree       .
    public function detachRight() {
        if ($this->isEmpty ())
            return false;
        $result = $this->right;
        $this->right = new BinaryTree();
        return $result;
    public function preorderTraversal() {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return ;
        echo ' ', $this->getKey();
    public function inorderTraversal() {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return ;
        echo ' ', $this->getKey();
    public function postorderTraversal() {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
            return ;
        echo ' ', $this->getKey();
 *       PHP  
class BST extends BinaryTree {
    public function __construct() {
        parent::__construct(NULL, NULL, NULL);
    public function __destruct() {
     * @param mixed $obj     .
     * @return boolean True                ,     
    public function contains($obj) {
        if ($this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $diff = $this->compare($obj);
        if ($diff == 0) {
            return true;
        }elseif ($diff < 0)             return $this->getLeft()->contains($obj);
            return $this->getRight()->contains($obj);
     * @param mixed $obj     .
     * @return boolean True               ,   NULL
    public function find($obj) {
        if ($this->isEmpty())
            return NULL;
        $diff = $this->compare($obj);
        if ($diff == 0)
            return $this->getKey();
        elseif ($diff < 0)             return $this->getLeft()->find($obj);
            return $this->getRight()->find($obj);
     * @return mixed           ,    NULL
    public function findMin() {
        if ($this->isEmpty ())
            return NULL;
        elseif ($this->getLeft()->isEmpty())
            return $this->getKey();
            return $this->getLeft()->findMin();
     * @return mixed           ,    NULL
    public function findMax() {
        if ($this->isEmpty ())
            return NULL;
        elseif ($this->getRight()->isEmpty())
            return $this->getKey();
            return $this->getRight()->findMax();
     * @param mixed $obj       .
     *            ,     
    public function insert($obj) {
        if ($this->isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            $diff = $this->compare($obj);
            if ($diff == 0)
                die('argu error');
            if ($diff < 0)                 $this->getLeft()->insert($obj);
     * @param mixed $obj       .
    public function delete($obj) {
        if ($this->isEmpty ())
        $diff = $this->compare($obj);
        if ($diff == 0) {
            if (!$this->getLeft()->isEmpty()) {
                $max = $this->getLeft()->findMax();
                $this->key = $max;
            elseif (!$this->getRight()->isEmpty()) {
                $min = $this->getRight()->findMin();
                $this->key = $min;
            } else
        } else if ($diff < 0)                 $this->getLeft()->delete($obj);
    public function compare($obj) {
        return $obj - $this->getKey();
     * Attaches the specified object as the key of this node.
     * The node must be initially empty.
     * @param object IObject $obj The key to attach.
     * @exception IllegalOperationException If this node is not empty.
    public function attachKey($obj) {
        if (!$this->isEmpty())
            return false;
        $this->key = $obj;
        $this->left = new BST();
        $this->right = new BST();
     * Balances this node.
     * Does nothing in this class.
    protected function balance () {}
     * Main program.
     * @param array $args Command-line arguments.
     * @return integer Zero on success; non-zero on failure.
    public static function main($args) {
        printf("BinarySearchTree main program.
");         $root = new BST();         foreach ($args as $row) {             $root->insert($row);         }         return $root;     } }   $root = BST::main(array(50, 3, 10, 5, 100, 56, 78)); echo $root->findMax(); $root->delete(100); echo $root->findMax();