Bitbucket が Mercurial のサポートを 2020/6 に終了

個人的にお世話になっている Bitbucket が Mercurial のサポートをやめてしまうようです。


After much consideration, we've decided to remove Mercurial support from Bitbucket Cloud and the API. Mercurial features and repositories will be officially removed from Bitbucket and its API on June 1, 2020.

What used to be a very fragmented version control software market has rapidly matured. Mercurial usage on Bitbucket is steadily declining, and the percentage of new Bitbucket users choosing Mercurial has fallen to less than 1%. At the same time, Git has become the standard. According to a Stack Overflow Developer Survey, almost 90% of developers use Git, while Mercurial is the least popular version control system with only about 3% developer adoption.
Given that Git has emerged as the version control system of choice for the industry, we have decided to focus our priorities and roadmap on building the best possible experience for the market and our users.
Read on to learn more about what led to this decision, timeline, and migration resource support.

Here are the key dates as we sunset Mercurial functionality:

February 1, 2020: users will no longer be able to create new Mercurial repositories
June 1, 2020: users will not be able to use Mercurial features in Bitbucket or via its API and all Mercurial repositories will be removed.
All current Mercurial functionality in Bitbucket will be available through May 31, 2020.

昨年8月よりお知らせしている通り、アトラシアンはBitbucket CloudとそのAPIでのMercurialのサポートを終了します。2020年7月1日(米国時間)に、BitbucketからMercurialのリポジトリの削除を開始します。以降、Mercurialのリポジトリやスニペット、wikiへのアクセスや作成はできません。