
<?php // Plug-in 44: Create Short URL

// This is an executable example with additional code supplied
// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link

$long     = "http://pluginphp.com/longfoldername/index.html";
$redirect = "go.php";
$len      = 5;
$file     = "shorturls.txt";
$result   = PIPHP_CreateShortURL($long, $redirect, $len, $file);

echo      "The URL '$long' can now be accessed from: ";
echo      "<a href='/$result'>/$result</a>";

function PIPHP_CreateShortURL($url, $redirect, $len, $file)
   // Plug-in 44: Create Short URL
   // This plug-in takes a long URL and shortens it. The
   // arguments required are:
   //    $url:      A URL including the preceding http://
   //    $redirect: A PHP page on the server to use for URL
   //               redirection, It should have a short
   //               name, such as /go.php.
   //    $len:      The number of characters to use in the
   //               short URL's tail.
   //    $file:     Location of a file containing the data
   //               for the redirects.

   $contents = @file_get_contents($file);
   $lines    = explode("
", $contents); $shorts = array(); $longs = array(); if (strlen($contents)) foreach ($lines as $line) if (strlen($line)) list($shorts[], $longs[]) = explode('|', $line); if (in_array($url, $longs)) for ($j = 0 ; $j < count($longs) ; ++$j) if ($longs[$j] == $url) return $redirect . "?u=" . $shorts[$j]; do $str = substr(md5(rand(0, 1000000)), 0, $len); while (in_array($str, $shorts)); file_put_contents($file, $contents . $str . '|' . $url . "
"); return $redirect . "?u=$str"; } ?>

$file URLの短いアドレスを保存するファイル名.