
963 ワード

tell application "Finder" to set s to selection as alias list
if s is {} then return
set out to ""
repeat with f in s
    set thePath to quoted form of POSIX path of f
    set out to do shell script "ls -ldO " & thePath & "| awk '{ print $5 }'"
    if out is equal to "hidden" then
        do shell script "chflags nohidden " & thePath
        display notification "Files or folders have been UNHIDDEN." with title "♞"
    else if out is equal to "-" then
        do shell script "chflags hidden " & thePath
        display notification "Files or folders have been HIDDEN. To view it, please press ⇧⌘. in Finder." with title "♘"
    end if
end repeat
