FGDモデルの理解とcvbgfg_acmmm 2003ソースコードコメント(二)(

さらに後験確率は統計にかかわるため、各モデルはそれぞれの表を保持している.表の数はN 2が必要であり、前N 1の量は毎回統計される.N 1-N 2は新しい背景を受け入れるときのバッファ領域である.更新の際、現在の点に一致する量が見つからない場合は、この点を末尾N 2に加えて並べ替えていく前、N 2が指すメモリは実際には変化しているので、新しい背景点の受け入れが完了する.現在の点と一致する点が見つかった場合、その点を取得する確率値が更新される.前スポットの出発角度であるか否かを判断する.まず、この点が背景点であると仮定し、背景点の変化範囲があまり大きくないと仮定し、その点を受け取ることができる背景領域を見つける確率(すなわち、その背景点が受け入れられる確率の和ごとに)、得られた式に基づいて計算することができる.
#define MIN_PV 1E-10

/*                    */
#define V_C(k,l) ctable[k].v[l]
#define PV_C(k) ctable[k].Pv
#define PVB_C(k) ctable[k].Pvb
#define V_CC(k,l) cctable[k].v[l]
#define PV_CC(k) cctable[k].Pv
#define PVB_CC(k) cctable[k].Pvb

// Function cvUpdateFGDStatModel updates statistical model and returns number of foreground regions
// parameters:
//      curr_frame  - current frame from video sequence
//      p_model     - pointer to CvFGDStatModel structure
/*       */
static int CV_CDECL
    icvUpdateFGDStatModel( IplImage* curr_frame, CvFGDStatModel*  model )
    int            mask_step = model->Ftd->widthStep;
    CvSeq         *first_seq = NULL, *prev_seq = NULL, *seq = NULL;     //                   
    IplImage*      prev_frame = model->prev_frame;
    int            region_count = 0;
    int            FG_pixels_count = 0;
    //cvRound                     Lc=2 delta   2 
    // delta  2                           256   64    0-7                   
    int            deltaC  = cvRound(model->params.delta * 256 / model->params.Lc);    
    int            deltaCC = cvRound(model->params.delta * 256 / model->params.Lcc);
    int            i, j, k, l;

    //clear storages

    // From foreground pixel candidates using image differencing
    // with adaptive thresholding.  The algorithm is from:
    //    Thresholding for Change Detection
    //    Paul L. Rosin 1998 6p
    //    http://www.cis.temple.edu/~latecki/Courses/CIS750-03/Papers/thresh-iccv.pdf
    /*                    (    Ftd)                   (    Fbd)*/

    cvChangeDetection( prev_frame, curr_frame, model->Ftd );
    cvChangeDetection( model->background, curr_frame, model->Fbd );

    /*            */
    for( i = 0; i < model->Ftd->height; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < model->Ftd->width; j++ )
            if( ((uchar*)model->Fbd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] || ((uchar*)model->Ftd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] )//               
                float Pb  = 0;
                float Pv  = 0;
                float Pvb = 0;

                /*                (                      )     */
                CvBGPixelStat* stat = model->pixel_stat + i * model->Ftd->width + j;

                CvBGPixelCStatTable*   ctable = stat->ctable;
                CvBGPixelCCStatTable* cctable = stat->cctable;

                uchar* curr_data = (uchar*)(curr_frame->imageData) + i*curr_frame->widthStep + j*3;
                uchar* prev_data = (uchar*)(prev_frame->imageData) + i*prev_frame->widthStep + j*3;

                int val = 0;

                // Is it a motion pixel?
                if( ((uchar*)model->Ftd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] )//                             
                    if( !stat->is_trained_dyn_model ) {

                        val = 1;

                    } else {

                        // Compare with stored CCt vectors:
                        //       2.3  sum(p(vi|(b,s))  i from 1 to N1                          
                        //                alpha2                
                        //          else             
                        for( k = 0;  PV_CC(k) > model->params.alpha2 && k < model->params.N1cc;  k++ ) 
                            if ( abs( V_CC(k,0) - prev_data[0]) <=  deltaCC &&
                                abs( V_CC(k,1) - prev_data[1]) <=  deltaCC &&
                                abs( V_CC(k,2) - prev_data[2]) <=  deltaCC &&
                                abs( V_CC(k,3) - curr_data[0]) <=  deltaCC &&
                                abs( V_CC(k,4) - curr_data[1]) <=  deltaCC &&
                                abs( V_CC(k,5) - curr_data[2]) <=  deltaCC)
                                //                    ln    
                                Pv += PV_CC(k);  //    p(vi|s)               
                                Pvb += PVB_CC(k);//    p(vi|b,s)                          
                        Pb = stat->Pbcc;        //              

                        if( 2 * Pvb * Pb <= Pv ) val = 1; //                    2.2              
                else if( stat->is_trained_st_model )        //                                         
                    // Compare with stored Ct vectors:
                    for( k = 0;  PV_C(k) > model->params.alpha2 && k < model->params.N1c;  k++ )
                        if ( abs( V_C(k,0) - curr_data[0]) <=  deltaC &&
                            abs( V_C(k,1) - curr_data[1]) <=  deltaC &&
                            abs( V_C(k,2) - curr_data[2]) <=  deltaC )
                            Pv += PV_C(k);
                            Pvb += PVB_C(k);
                    Pb = stat->Pbc;
                    if( 2 * Pvb * Pb <= Pv ) val = 1;       //        

                // Update foreground:
                ((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] = (uchar)(val*255); //    (   ) 
                FG_pixels_count += val;//        

            }		// end if( change detection...
        }		// for j...
    }			// for i...
    //end BG/FG classification

    // Foreground segmentation.
    // Smooth foreground map:
    if( model->params.perform_morphing ){
        cvMorphologyEx( model->foreground, model->foreground, 0, 0, CV_MOP_OPEN,  model->params.perform_morphing );
        cvMorphologyEx( model->foreground, model->foreground, 0, 0, CV_MOP_CLOSE, model->params.perform_morphing );

    if( model->params.minArea > 0 || model->params.is_obj_without_holes ){

        // Discard under-size foreground regions:
        cvFindContours( model->foreground, model->storage, &first_seq, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST );
        for( seq = first_seq; seq; seq = seq->h_next )
            CvContour* cnt = (CvContour*)seq;
            if( cnt->rect.width * cnt->rect.height < model->params.minArea || 
                (model->params.is_obj_without_holes && CV_IS_SEQ_HOLE(seq)) )
                // Delete under-size contour:
                prev_seq = seq->h_prev;
                if( prev_seq )
                    prev_seq->h_next = seq->h_next;
                    if( seq->h_next ) seq->h_next->h_prev = prev_seq;
                    first_seq = seq->h_next;
                    if( seq->h_next ) seq->h_next->h_prev = NULL;
        model->foreground_regions = first_seq;
        cvDrawContours(model->foreground, first_seq, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 10, -1);

    } else {

        model->foreground_regions = NULL;

    // Check ALL BG update condition:
    //                                               N1        2.3   (5)
    if( ((float)FG_pixels_count/(model->Ftd->width*model->Ftd->height)) > CV_BGFG_FGD_BG_UPDATE_TRESH )
        for( i = 0; i < model->Ftd->height; i++ )
            for( j = 0; j < model->Ftd->width; j++ )
                CvBGPixelStat* stat = model->pixel_stat + i * model->Ftd->width + j;
                stat->is_trained_st_model = stat->is_trained_dyn_model = 1;

    // Update background model:
    for( i = 0; i < model->Ftd->height; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < model->Ftd->width; j++ )
            CvBGPixelStat* stat = model->pixel_stat + i * model->Ftd->width + j;
            CvBGPixelCStatTable* ctable = stat->ctable;
            CvBGPixelCCStatTable* cctable = stat->cctable;

            uchar *curr_data = (uchar*)(curr_frame->imageData)+i*curr_frame->widthStep+j*3;
            uchar *prev_data = (uchar*)(prev_frame->imageData)+i*prev_frame->widthStep+j*3;

            if( ((uchar*)model->Ftd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] || !stat->is_trained_dyn_model )     //                
                float alpha = stat->is_trained_dyn_model ? model->params.alpha2 : model->params.alpha3;
                float diff = 0;
                int dist, min_dist = 2147483647, indx = -1;

                //update Pb
                //     Pbcc = (1-alpha)*Pbcc + M*alpha               M 0                  
                //      P(b|s)     
                stat->Pbcc *= (1.f-alpha);
                if( !((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] )
                    stat->Pbcc += alpha;

                // Find best Vi match:
                //PV_CC(k) = PV_CC(k)*(1-alpaha) + M*alpha                      
                //PVB_CC(k) = PV_BCC(k)*(1-alpaha) + (M^B)*alpha               ,                  
                for(k = 0; PV_CC(k) && k < model->params.N2cc; k++ )
                    // Exponential decay of memory
                    PV_CC(k)  *= (1-alpha);
                    PVB_CC(k) *= (1-alpha);
                    if( PV_CC(k) < MIN_PV ) //        0 continue     k   
                        PV_CC(k) = 0;
                        PVB_CC(k) = 0;

                    dist = 0;
                    //     N2cc                     
                    //         RGB  ,                   ,                  2*256/Lcc
                    for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ )        //                      
                        int val = abs( V_CC(k,l) - prev_data[l] );
                        if( val > deltaCC ) break;
                        dist += val;
                        val = abs( V_CC(k,l+3) - curr_data[l] );
                        if( val > deltaCC) break;
                        dist += val;
                    if( l == 3 && dist < min_dist )
                        min_dist = dist;
                        indx = k;

                if( indx < 0 )
                {   // Replace N2th elem in the table by new feature:
                    //   cc              
                    indx = model->params.N2cc - 1;
                    PV_CC(indx) = alpha;
                    PVB_CC(indx) = alpha;
                    //udate Vt
                    for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ )
                        V_CC(indx,l) = prev_data[l];
                        V_CC(indx,l+3) = curr_data[l];
                {   // Update:
                    //           ,      
                    PV_CC(indx) += alpha;
                    if( !((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] )
                        PVB_CC(indx) += alpha;

                //re-sort CCt table by Pv
                //              ,                    ,             
                //        ,              ,      model->params.N2cc - 1       ,          
                //              ,          。      (indx      N2cc),                 
                for( k = 0; k < indx; k++ )
                    if( PV_CC(k) <= PV_CC(indx) )
                        //shift elements
                        CvBGPixelCCStatTable tmp1, tmp2 = cctable[indx];
                        for( l = k; l <= indx; l++ )
                            tmp1 = cctable[l];
                            cctable[l] = tmp2;
                            tmp2 = tmp1;

                float sum1=0, sum2=0;
                //check "once-off" changes
                //                ,        
                //                        onec-off   
                for(k = 0; PV_CC(k) && k < model->params.N1cc; k++ )
                    sum1 += PV_CC(k);
                    sum2 += PVB_CC(k);
                if( sum1 > model->params.T ) stat->is_trained_dyn_model = 1;

                diff = sum1 - stat->Pbcc * sum2;
                // Update stat table:
                if( diff >  model->params.T )
                    //printf("once off change at motion mode
"); //new BG features are discovered for( k = 0; PV_CC(k) && k < model->params.N1cc; k++ ) { PVB_CC(k) = (PV_CC(k)-stat->Pbcc*PVB_CC(k))/(1-stat->Pbcc); } assert(stat->Pbcc<=1 && stat->Pbcc>=0); } } // Handle "stationary" pixel: /* */ if( !((uchar*)model->Ftd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] ) { float alpha = stat->is_trained_st_model ? model->params.alpha2 : model->params.alpha3; float diff = 0; int dist, min_dist = 2147483647, indx = -1; //update Pb stat->Pbc *= (1.f-alpha); if( !((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] ) { stat->Pbc += alpha; } //find best Vi match for( k = 0; k < model->params.N2c; k++ ) { // Exponential decay of memory PV_C(k) *= (1-alpha); PVB_C(k) *= (1-alpha); if( PV_C(k) < MIN_PV ) { PV_C(k) = 0; PVB_C(k) = 0; continue; } dist = 0; for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { int val = abs( V_C(k,l) - curr_data[l] ); if( val > deltaC ) break; dist += val; } if( l == 3 && dist < min_dist ) { min_dist = dist; indx = k; } } if( indx < 0 ) {//N2th elem in the table is replaced by a new features indx = model->params.N2c - 1; PV_C(indx) = alpha; PVB_C(indx) = alpha; //udate Vt for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { V_C(indx,l) = curr_data[l]; } } else {//update PV_C(indx) += alpha; if( !((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] ) { PVB_C(indx) += alpha; } } //re-sort Ct table by Pv for( k = 0; k < indx; k++ ) { if( PV_C(k) <= PV_C(indx) ) { //shift elements CvBGPixelCStatTable tmp1, tmp2 = ctable[indx]; for( l = k; l <= indx; l++ ) { tmp1 = ctable[l]; ctable[l] = tmp2; tmp2 = tmp1; } break; } } // Check "once-off" changes: float sum1=0, sum2=0; for( k = 0; PV_C(k) && k < model->params.N1c; k++ ) { sum1 += PV_C(k); sum2 += PVB_C(k); } diff = sum1 - stat->Pbc * sum2; if( sum1 > model->params.T ) stat->is_trained_st_model = 1; // Update stat table: if( diff > model->params.T ) { //printf("once off change at stat mode
"); //new BG features are discovered for( k = 0; PV_C(k) && k < model->params.N1c; k++ ) { PVB_C(k) = (PV_C(k)-stat->Pbc*PVB_C(k))/(1-stat->Pbc); } stat->Pbc = 1 - stat->Pbc; } } // if !(change detection) at pixel (i,j) // Update the reference BG image: if( !((uchar*)model->foreground->imageData)[i*mask_step+j]) { uchar* ptr = ((uchar*)model->background->imageData) + i*model->background->widthStep+j*3; if( !((uchar*)model->Ftd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] && !((uchar*)model->Fbd->imageData)[i*mask_step+j] ) { // Apply IIR filter: for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { int a = cvRound(ptr[l]*(1 - model->params.alpha1) + model->params.alpha1*curr_data[l]); ptr[l] = (uchar)a; //((uchar*)model->background->imageData)[i*model->background->widthStep+j*3+l]*=(1 - model->params.alpha1); //((uchar*)model->background->imageData)[i*model->background->widthStep+j*3+l] += model->params.alpha1*curr_data[l]; } } else { // Background change detected: for( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { //((uchar*)model->background->imageData)[i*model->background->widthStep+j*3+l] = curr_data[l]; ptr[l] = curr_data[l]; } } } } // j } // i // Keep previous frame: cvCopy( curr_frame, model->prev_frame ); return region_count; } /* End of file. */