679 ワード

PHP 5.3以上でmysql_connect()でMySQLサーバーに接続した場合、エラーが発生します.
Warning: mysql_connect(): mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication. 
Please use an administration tool to reset your password with the command SET PASSWORD = 
PASSWORD('your_existing_password'). This will store a new, and more secure, hash value in mysql.user.
If this user is used in other scripts executed by PHP 5.2 or earlier you might need to remove the old-
passwords flag from your my.cnf file in /home/ubuntu/workspace/login.php on line 2

2011/06/27 Update Aliyun的共有虚机的SQL有问题…長い間この問題を解決するために提出した.