
1621 ワード

1.set forth in提出
 License to Use.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,including but not limited to the restrictions set forth in Section 4(Restrictions)ライセンス使用.これらの条項と条件協定を受け入れ、第4節(制限)の提出を含むが、これに限定されない.
2.be subjectto:支配され、従属され、受けやすく、従う
Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner.農民は過去に地主の圧迫を受けた.
We are a people no longer subject to foreign rule.私たちは外国の支配を受けない民族です.
3.be subjected toは「受け入れる、受ける、受ける、受ける、受ける、受ける、受ける、受ける」
On this test,the cars will be subjected to rough treatmentdeliberately.この試験では、自動車は意図的な破壊試験を受ける.
The company and the union agreed that the worker's wages shouldbe subjected to changes in the cost of living.会社と労働組合は、今後、労働者の賃金は生活費の変化に応じて調整すべきだと合意した.
4.on one's behalfとin one's behalf
in one's behalf    in the interest of ...
on one's behalf    on the part of ...
Don't trouble to do it on my behalf.         。
He interceded in my behalf.     。
Don't trouble to do it in my behalf.
He interceded on my behalf.