HDU 4630 No Pain No Gameセグメントツリーとhdu 3333には共通点があります

19493 ワード

No Pain No Game
Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1465    Accepted Submission(s): 631
Problem Description
Life is a game,and you lose it,so you suicide.
But you can not kill yourself before you solve this problem:
Given you a sequence of number a
1, a
2, ..., a
n.They are also a permutation of 1...n.
You need to answer some queries,each with the following format:
If we chose two number a,b (shouldn't be the same) from interval [l, r],what is the maximum gcd(a, b)? If there's no way to choose two distinct number(l=r) then the answer is zero.
First line contains a number T(T <= 5),denote the number of test cases.
Then follow T test cases.
For each test cases,the first line contains a number n(1 <= n <= 50000).
The second line contains n number a
1, a
2, ..., a
The third line contains a number Q(1 <= Q <= 50000) denoting the number of queries.
Then Q lines follows,each lines contains two integer l, r(1 <= l <= r <= n),denote a query.
For each test cases,for each query print the answer in one line.
Sample Input
8 2 4 9 5 7 10 6 1 3
2 10
2 4
6 9
1 4
7 10
Sample Output
2013 Multi-University Training Contest 3
  1 /**

  2   :    [ L , R ]   max gcd() ;


  4       ,         。

  5            ,  >=2       。

  6     ,      。

  7    [ L , R ]        ,              ,

  8          。        ,   。


 10     R   ,      [ L, R ]       。


 12          r   ,      。

 13 **/

 14 #include<iostream>

 15 #include<stdio.h>

 16 #include<cstring>

 17 #include<cstdlib>

 18 #include<algorithm>

 19 #include<vector>

 20 using namespace std;


 22 vector<int>yz[50002];

 23 struct node

 24 {

 25     int l,r,len;

 26     int maxn;

 27 }f[50002*4];

 28 struct node2

 29 {

 30     int st,ed;

 31     int i,val;

 32 }a[50002];

 33 int date[50002];

 34 int pre[50002];


 36 bool cmp(struct node2 n1,struct node2 n2)

 37 {

 38     return n1.ed<n2.ed;

 39 }

 40 bool cmp1(struct node2 n1,struct node2 n2)

 41 {

 42     return n1.i<n2.i;

 43 }

 44 void init()

 45 {

 46     for(int i=1;i<=50000;i++)

 47         for(int j=i;j<=50000;j=j+i)

 48         yz[j].push_back(i);

 49 }

 50 void build(int l,int r,int n)

 51 {

 52     int mid = (l+r)/2;

 53     f[n].l = l;

 54     f[n].r = r;

 55     f[n].len = f[n].r-f[n].l +1;

 56     f[n].maxn = 0;

 57     if(l==r) return;

 58     build(l,mid,n*2);

 59     build(mid+1,r,n*2+1);

 60 }

 61 void update(int wz,int num,int n)

 62 {

 63     int mid=(f[n].l + f[n].r)/2;

 64     if(f[n].l == wz && f[n].r == wz)

 65     {

 66         if(f[n].maxn<num)

 67             f[n].maxn = num;

 68         return;

 69     }

 70     if(mid>=wz) update(wz,num,n*2);

 71     else if(mid<wz) update(wz,num,n*2+1);

 72     f[n].maxn = f[n*2].maxn>f[n*2+1].maxn ? f[n*2].maxn : f[n*2+1].maxn;

 73 }

 74 int query(int l,int r,int n)

 75 {

 76     int mid=(f[n].l + f[n].r)/2;

 77     if(f[n].l == l && f[n].r == r)

 78     {

 79         return f[n].maxn;

 80     }

 81     if(mid>=r) return query(l,r,n*2);

 82     else if(mid<l) return query(l,r,n*2+1);

 83     else return max(query(l,mid,n*2),query(mid+1,r,n*2+1));

 84 }

 85 int main()

 86 {

 87     int T , n , m;

 88     init();

 89     scanf("%d",&T);

 90     while(T--)

 91     {

 92         scanf("%d",&n);

 93         build(1,n,1);

 94         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)

 95             scanf("%d",&date[i]);

 96         scanf("%d",&m);

 97         for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)

 98         {

 99             scanf("%d%d",&a[i].st,&a[i].ed);

100             a[i].i = i;

101             a[i].val = 0;

102         }

103         sort(a+1,a+1+m,cmp);

104         memset(pre,0,sizeof(pre));

105         int k = 1;

106         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)

107         {

108             int ans = yz[date[i]].size();

109             for(int j=0;j<ans;j++)

110             {

111                 int temp = yz[date[i]][j];

112                 if(pre[temp])

113                     update(pre[temp],temp,1);

114                 pre[temp] = i;

115             }

116             while(a[k].ed == i && k<=m)

117             {

118                 a[k].val = query(a[k].st,a[k].ed,1);

119                 k++;

120             }

121         }

122         sort(a+1,a+1+m,cmp1);

123         for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)   printf("%d
",a[i].val); 124 } 125 return 0; 126 }