
52986 ワード

最近では、ある文字にキーワード(敏感字)が現れるかどうかを調べるのに極めて短い時間が必要になります.ネット上でいくつかの資料を探して、javaが書いた2つの配列のAC木を使って、毎秒27 Mbの速度に達します.cで書かれたacツリーも毎秒30 Mしかありません.
マルチフォークc言語で書かれた、マシン:Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU E 5-2680 v [email protected] GHz検索レート約:111000(bytes/ms)
しかし、中国語の敏感語では、接頭辞の繰り返し率が低すぎて、ACオートマチックを使うと、ほとんどの場合、根本的なジャンプは遡及アルゴリズムと変わらず、かえって比較が増加し(実際のプログラムの比較は主に異なるメモリへのアクセスであり、数回のmiss cacheが最も消費される)、性能はかえって低下した.
2.ここで採用する方法は、マルチフォークツリーを直接使用し、1段目は24ビット(すなわち、2^24個のポインタ空間=2^27=128 Mのメモリを割り当てる)、2段目は8ビット、3段目は前の2段を除いた残りのバイトを直接保存する.
  • ここではメモリプールの方法を採用していますが、速度も10%程度しか上げられません.メモリプールのメソッドはざらざらしていますが、ここではデモのみを行います.メモリプールを書き換えるか使いたくない場合は、FindKeyword.cファイルのmpool_をalloc関数はmallocで置き換えればいいです.

  • ソースコード
    直接実行して効果を見たい場合は、リソースgit cloneをダウンロードできます.https://gitee.com/ben_wsx/FindKeyword.git . (http://download.csdn.net/download/w_sx12553/10135616 ここの資源は古くて、気持ち悪いCSDNは削除することができません)あるいは下のファイルを複製します
    //   :           ,2^24       ,       
    //                                          ben
    //                                          2017.11.23
    #include "getTime.h"
    #include "mpool.h"
    #define _TEST_  //      
    #ifdef _TEST_
    char* g_findKeyword = NULL; //       
    int   g_findKeyword_Len = 0;
    #define GetFirstIndex(i) (((i)>>8) &(0xffffff))
    #define GetSecondIndex(i) ((i)&0xff)
    mpool* g_mp = NULL;
    #define _256_BRANCH 256
    #define BigBranchCnts (1<<24)
    #define _FOUND_TAG_     (1)     //        
    #define  FIRST_LEFTBYTESSET_CNTS    (16 - 1)        //         
    #define KEYWORD_MAX_LEN 64
    //      (              )     
    struct LeftBytesSet {
        uint32_t Cnts;      //        
        uint32_t totalCnts;
        char keySet[1][KEYWORD_MAX_LEN];                //   :       ,             
    struct LeftBytesSet*
    getLeftBytesSet(mpool* mp, int size)
        struct LeftBytesSet* pLeftBytesSet =
            (struct LeftBytesSet*)mpool_alloc(mp, sizeof(struct LeftBytesSet) + (KEYWORD_MAX_LEN * (size-1)));
        pLeftBytesSet->totalCnts = size;
        pLeftBytesSet->Cnts = 0;
        return pLeftBytesSet;
    //     Node
    struct _2_Node {
        struct LeftBytesSet* child[_256_BRANCH];
        int findTag[_256_BRANCH];
    //     Node
    struct _1_Node {
        struct _2_Node* child[BigBranchCnts];
    struct TreeInfo {
        mpool* mPool;
        struct _1_Node* root;   //      
        char bitmapMemBlock[2*1024*1024];
    //   :            (   c++   strcpy_s   )
    void myStrcpy_s(char* dst, char* src, int len)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            dst[i] = src[i];
        dst[len] = '\0';
    //   :       
    int myStrlen(char* str)
        int len = 0;
        while (*str) {
            if ('\r' == *str || '
    == *str) break; len++; str++; } return len; } // // : // // : 0: ,1: , -1: 。 // int isFileOrDir(char* path) { if (0 == access(path, 0)) { struct stat *buf; buf = (struct stat *) malloc(sizeof(struct stat)); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); stat(path, buf); if (S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode)) { free(buf); buf = NULL; return 1; } else { free(buf); buf = NULL; return -1; } } else { return 0; } } // // : ( s1 , : strcmp ) // inline int __attribute__((always_inline)) myStrcmp(char* s1, char* s2) { while (*s1) { if (*s1 > *s2) return 1; if (*s1 < *s2) return -1; ++s1,++s2; } return 0; } // // : utf-8 , UTF-8 ( ) // // : UTF-8 // http://note.youdao.com/noteshare?id=85958bf43d761398962af780b12392d6&sub=F79830034DF14F138B69146D19EB315B // inline int32_t __attribute__((always_inline)) get_utf_8_word_length(char tmp) { int len; // tmp 1110**** , // 3。 // , 3 。 if (!( (tmp & 0xf0) ^ 0xe0)) return 3; if (tmp > 0) // 0, ASCII return 1; len = 0; do { tmp <<= 1; len++; } while (tmp < 0); return len; } // --------------------------------- // BITAMP inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) bitmap_set(char* bitmapMemBlock, int pos) { bitmapMemBlock[pos>>3] |= (1 << (pos&7)); } inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) bitmap_unset(char* bitmapMemBlock, int pos) { bitmapMemBlock[pos>>3] &= ~(1 << (pos&7)); } inline bool __attribute__((always_inline)) bitmap_get(char* bitmapMemBlock, int pos) { return bitmapMemBlock[pos>>3] & (1 << (pos&7)); } // ------------------------------------------- // // : // inline void __attribute__((always_inline)) insertKeyword(struct TreeInfo* pTreeInfo, char* keyword, int keywordLen) { const int leftLen = 4; // mpool* mp; struct _1_Node* root; struct _2_Node* p_2Node; struct LeftBytesSet* pLeftbytesSet, *pLeftbytesSet_2; uint32_t index; int Cnts; int i, j; root = pTreeInfo->root; mp = pTreeInfo->mPool; // ( 3 , 3 ) if (keywordLen >= 3) { index = (*((uint32_t *)keyword)) & 0xffffff; } else if (2 == keywordLen) { //index = keyword[0] | (keyword[1]<<8); index = (*((uint32_t *)keyword)) & 0xffff; } else if (1 == keywordLen) { index = keyword[0]&0xff; } else return; if ((keywordLen - 3) <= 0) { bitmap_set(pTreeInfo->bitmapMemBlock, index); return; } p_2Node = root->child[index]; if (NULL == p_2Node) { p_2Node = root->child[index] = (struct _2_Node*)mpool_alloc(mp, sizeof(struct _2_Node)); } // index = keyword[3]&0xff; pLeftbytesSet = p_2Node->child[index]; if ((keywordLen - 4) <= 0) { p_2Node->findTag[index] = _FOUND_TAG_; return; } if (NULL == pLeftbytesSet) { pLeftbytesSet = p_2Node->child[index] = getLeftBytesSet(mp, FIRST_LEFTBYTESSET_CNTS); } else if(0 == pLeftbytesSet->totalCnts - pLeftbytesSet->Cnts) { // , ( c++ Vector ) pLeftbytesSet_2 = getLeftBytesSet(mp, pLeftbytesSet->totalCnts*2+1); // for (i = 0; i < pLeftbytesSet->totalCnts; ++i) { strcpy(pLeftbytesSet_2->keySet[i], pLeftbytesSet->keySet[i]); pLeftbytesSet_2->Cnts ++; } pLeftbytesSet = p_2Node->child[index] = pLeftbytesSet_2; //printf(" : %d
    ", pLeftbytesSet->totalCnts);
    } // , ( ) // int beyondResult; // Cnts = pLeftbytesSet->Cnts; for (i = 0; i < Cnts; ++i) { beyondResult = myStrcmp(keyword+leftLen, pLeftbytesSet->keySet[i]); if (0 > beyondResult) { break; } } for (j = Cnts; j > i; j--) { strcpy( pLeftbytesSet->keySet[j], pLeftbytesSet->keySet[j-1]); } myStrcpy_s(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[i], keyword+leftLen, keywordLen-leftLen); pLeftbytesSet->Cnts++; // printf("cpystr= %s, pLeftbytesSet->Cnts = %d
    ", keyword+leftLen, pLeftbytesSet->Cnts);
    } // // : // // : " " " " , " " 。 // // void deleteKeyword(struct TreeInfo* pTreeInfo, char* keyword, int keywordLen) { int cnts; int high, low, midle; // struct _2_Node* p_2Node; struct LeftBytesSet* pLeftbytesSet; uint32_t index; if (keywordLen >= 3) { index = (*((uint32_t *)keyword)) & 0xffffff; } else if (2 == keywordLen) { index = (*((uint32_t *)keyword)) & 0xffff; } else if (1 == keywordLen) { index = keyword[0]&0xff; } else return; if ((keywordLen - 3) <= 0) { bitmap_unset(pTreeInfo->bitmapMemBlock, index); return; } p_2Node = pTreeInfo->root->child[index]; if (NULL == p_2Node) return; // index = keyword[3] & 0xff; if ((keywordLen - 4) <= 0) { p_2Node->findTag[index] = 0; return; } pLeftbytesSet = p_2Node->child[index]; if (NULL == pLeftbytesSet) return; // 3 cnts = pLeftbytesSet->Cnts; high = cnts - 1;// low = 0; midle = cnts/2; int beyondResult; while(high >= low) { midle = (high + low)/2; beyondResult = myStrcmp(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[midle], keyword+4); if(beyondResult > 0) high = midle - 1; else if(beyondResult < 0) low = midle + 1; else if(0 == beyondResult) { // 。。。 strcpy(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[midle], pLeftbytesSet->keySet[cnts-1]); pLeftbytesSet->Cnts--; return; } } } // // : // inline bool __attribute__((always_inline)) findKeyword(struct TreeInfo* pTreeInfo, char* str) { int cnts, high, low, midle; // int i; struct _1_Node* root; struct _2_Node* p_2Node; struct LeftBytesSet* pLeftbytesSet; uint32_t index; char tempCh; int beyondResult; // int first_utf_8_word_len; // , ( ) root = pTreeInfo->root; while (*str) { #if 0 // // first_utf_8_word_len = get_utf_8_word_length(*str); #else // get_utf_8_word_length() , // // // do { // 1110**** , // 3。 // ? // 3 , do-while(0) , 。 if (!((*str & 0xf0) ^ 0xe0)) { first_utf_8_word_len = 3; break; } if (*str > 0) { // 0, ASCII first_utf_8_word_len = 1; break; } first_utf_8_word_len = 0; tempCh = *str; do { tempCh <<= 1; first_utf_8_word_len++; } while (tempCh < 0); } while(0); #endif // ? // str[1]=='\0' 。 str[2] 0, 3 。 if (str[1]) index = (*((uint32_t *)str)) & 0xffffff; else index = (*((uint32_t *)str)) & 0xff; p_2Node = root->child[index]; if ((pTreeInfo->bitmapMemBlock[index>>3] & (1 << (index&7)))) { #ifdef _TEST_ g_findKeyword = str; g_findKeyword_Len = (str[1]) ? 3 :2; #endif return true; } if (NULL == p_2Node) goto mytag; // index = str[3] & 0xff; if (_FOUND_TAG_ == p_2Node->findTag[index]) { #ifdef _TEST_ g_findKeyword = str; g_findKeyword_Len = 4; #endif return true; } pLeftbytesSet = p_2Node->child[index]; if (NULL == pLeftbytesSet) goto mytag; // 3 cnts = pLeftbytesSet->Cnts; // , ( ) if (cnts <= 7) { for (i = 0; i < cnts; ++i) { if(0 ==myStrcmp(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[i], str+4)) { // 。。。 #ifdef _TEST_ g_findKeyword = str; g_findKeyword_Len = 4 + strlen(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[i]); #endif return true; } } } else { // high = cnts - 1;// low = 0; midle = cnts/2; while(high >= low) { midle = (high + low)/2; beyondResult = myStrcmp(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[midle], str+4); if(beyondResult > 0) high = midle - 1; else if(beyondResult < 0) low = midle + 1; else if(0 == beyondResult) { // 。。。 #ifdef _TEST_ g_findKeyword = str; g_findKeyword_Len = 4 + strlen(pLeftbytesSet->keySet[midle]); #endif return true; } } } mytag: str += first_utf_8_word_len; // , ( ) } return false; } struct TreeInfo* InitTreeInfo() { struct TreeInfo* pTreeInfo = (struct TreeInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeInfo)); pTreeInfo->mPool = mpool_init(1024*1024*128, 8); // pTreeInfo->root = mpool_alloc(pTreeInfo->mPool, sizeof(struct _1_Node)); memset(pTreeInfo->root, 0, sizeof(struct _1_Node)); memset(pTreeInfo->bitmapMemBlock, 0, 2*1024*1024); return pTreeInfo; } void deinitTreeInfo(struct TreeInfo* pTreeInfo) { mpool_destroy(pTreeInfo->mPool); } // // : // int testPerformance(int argc, char* argv[]) { #define MAX_KEY_CNTS 256*1024 // #define MAX_KEY_LEN 64 // long long begTime, endTime, totalTime; struct ACAutoMation *mation; char (*StrLine)[MAX_KEY_LEN]; // int key_cnts = 0; // int lSize; // char *text; // int len; FILE *fTxt; FILE *fDic; char ch; int32_t findResult = 0; int i; char tmpFindKeyword[64] = {0}; struct TreeInfo *pTreeInfo = InitTreeInfo(); StrLine = (char(*)[MAX_KEY_LEN])malloc(MAX_KEY_LEN * MAX_KEY_CNTS); if (NULL == StrLine) { printf(" 。。。
    ); exit(1); } if(argc < 3) { printf(" : : ./test text.txt dictionary.txt
    ); exit(1); } if ((-1 != isFileOrDir(argv[1])) || (-1 != isFileOrDir(argv[2]))) { printf(" , : : ./test dictionary.txt text.txt
    ); exit(1); } if((fTxt=fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { printf("file cannot be opened
    ); exit(1); } if((fDic=fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL) { printf("file cannot be opened
    ); exit(1); } fseek(fTxt, 3, SEEK_SET); // BOM fseek(fDic, 3, SEEK_SET); // BOM // Key while (!feof(fDic) && (key_cnts < MAX_KEY_CNTS)) { fgets(StrLine[key_cnts], MAX_KEY_LEN, fDic); // // trim(StrLine[key_cnts]); // len = myStrlen(StrLine[key_cnts]); //printf("len = %d
    ", len);
    if (0 != len) { ++key_cnts; } } fclose(fDic); printf(" ...
    ); begTime = getSystemTime(); for (i = 0; i < key_cnts; ++i) { len = myStrlen(StrLine[i]); insertKeyword(pTreeInfo, StrLine[i], len); } endTime = getSystemTime(); printf(" ... %lld (ms)
    , (endTime - begTime > 0) ? (endTime - begTime) : 1); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begTime = getSystemTime(); // fseek(fTxt, 0, SEEK_END); lSize = ftell(fTxt); text = (char*)malloc(lSize+1); fseek(fTxt, 0, SEEK_SET); // rewind fread(text, sizeof(char), lSize, fTxt); text[lSize] = '\0'; fclose(fTxt); findResult = findKeyword(pTreeInfo, text); endTime = getSystemTime(); printf("------------------------

    ); if (findResult > 0) { myStrcpy_s(tmpFindKeyword, g_findKeyword, g_findKeyword_Len); printf(" = (%s)
    , tmpFindKeyword); } else { printf(" !
    ); } totalTime = (endTime - begTime > 0) ? (endTime - begTime) : 1; printf(" : %d, : %d , : %lld ms, : %lld (bytes/ms)
    , key_cnts, lSize, totalTime, (lSize)/(int)(totalTime)); deinitTreeInfo(pTreeInfo); return 0; } // // : // void test() { struct TreeInfo *pTreeInfo = InitTreeInfo(); char tmpFindKeyword[64] = {0}; char* text = "kfk fkfabca32bxa"; //insertKeyword(pTreeInfo, "a", strlen("a")); insertKeyword(pTreeInfo, "ab", strlen("ab")); insertKeyword(pTreeInfo, "abx", strlen("abx")); insertKeyword(pTreeInfo, " ", strlen(" ")); if ( findKeyword(pTreeInfo, text) > 0){ myStrcpy_s(tmpFindKeyword, g_findKeyword, g_findKeyword_Len); printf(" = (%s)
    , tmpFindKeyword); } else { printf(" !
    ); } printf("
    ----> -----

    ); char* delKeyword = " "; deleteKeyword(pTreeInfo, delKeyword, strlen(delKeyword)); printf(" :( %s)

    , delKeyword); if ( findKeyword(pTreeInfo, text) > 0){ myStrcpy_s(tmpFindKeyword, g_findKeyword, g_findKeyword_Len); printf(" = (%s)
    , tmpFindKeyword); } else { printf(" !
    ); } deinitTreeInfo(pTreeInfo); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // testPerformance(argc, argv); //test(); return 0; }

          :                     ,   Cache miss。
    #ifndef MPOOL_H
    #define MPOOL_H
    #ifdef _MSC_VER // windows     
    #define INLINE(RETURN_TYPE) \
        static inline RETURN_TYPE __attribute__((always_inline))
    #define M_ALIGNMENT     8       //         
    #pragma pack(8)
    #ifndef MPOOL_MALLOC
    #define MPOOL_MALLOC(sz) malloc(sz)
    #define MPOOL_REALLOC(p, sz) realloc(p, sz)
    #define MPOOL_FREE(p, sz) free(p)
    typedef struct {
        void* pBlock;           //        
        void* pCur;             //                   
        int remainderSize;      //                
    } mBlockInfo;
    typedef struct {
        unsigned int defaultBlockSize;          //             (  ),               ,                  。
                                                //               ,         ;       ,      !
        unsigned int nAllocBytes;               //          
        unsigned int blockCnts;                 //         
        mBlockInfo mBlockInfoArray[1];          //      ,               
        //   :               
    } mpool;
    //   :       ,        
    //   : nBlockSize -           
    //       maxBlockCnts -           (  :         ,              )
    mpool *mpool_init(unsigned int nBlockSize, unsigned int maxBlockCnts);
    void* mpool_alloc(mpool* mp, int nBytes);
    void mpool_destroy(mpool* mp);

    #include "mpool.h"
    //      ,    4096.
    long getPageSize()
        return 4096;
    //#ifdef _MSC_VER   // windows     
    //  return 4096;
    //#else         // Linux     
    //long pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
    //return pasz;
    //   :       ,        
    //   : nBlockSize -           
    //       maxBlockCnts -           (  :         ,              )
    mpool *
    mpool_init(unsigned int nBlockSize, unsigned int maxBlockCnts /* = 100*/)
    ); mpool * pMpool = (mpool*)malloc(sizeof(mpool) + (maxBlockCnts - 1) * sizeof(mBlockInfo)); long pgsz = getPageSize(); // pMpool->defaultBlockSize = pgsz * ((nBlockSize + pgsz - 1) / pgsz); // , pMpool->blockCnts = 0; pMpool->nAllocBytes = 0; return pMpool; } void* mpool_alloc(mpool* mp, int nBytes) { assert(mp); void* retVal = NULL; // void* pAlloc = NULL; int i, tmp; unsigned int blockCnts = mp->blockCnts; unsigned int allocBlockSize = mp->defaultBlockSize; unsigned int ActualBytes = M_ALIGNMENT * ((nBytes + M_ALIGNMENT - 1) / M_ALIGNMENT); // ( , , nBytes) mBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = NULL; if (mp->defaultBlockSize < nBytes) { printf(" >
    ); return NULL; } // , for (i = 0; i < blockCnts; ++i) { if (mp->mBlockInfoArray[i].remainderSize >= ActualBytes) { // printf(" 。。。。
    pBlockInfo = &(mp->mBlockInfoArray[i]); retVal = pBlockInfo->pCur; pBlockInfo->remainderSize -= ActualBytes; pBlockInfo->pCur = (void*)((char*)pBlockInfo->pCur + ActualBytes); break; } } // , 。 if (NULL == retVal) { //printf("
    do { retVal = malloc(allocBlockSize); if (NULL != retVal) { mp->nAllocBytes += allocBlockSize; break; } //printf(" , %d, %d
    ", allocBlockSize, allocBlockSize / 2);
    allocBlockSize /= 2; if (0 == allocBlockSize) { break; } } while (1); if (NULL != retVal) { pBlockInfo = &(mp->mBlockInfoArray[mp->blockCnts]); pBlockInfo->pBlock = retVal; pBlockInfo->remainderSize = allocBlockSize; pBlockInfo->pCur = retVal; if (allocBlockSize >= ActualBytes) { pBlockInfo->remainderSize -= ActualBytes; pBlockInfo->pCur = (void*)((char*)pBlockInfo->pCur + ActualBytes); } else { //printf("mpool_init: allocBlockSize = %d , ActualBytes = %d... 9
    ", allocBlockSize, ActualBytes);
    retVal = NULL; } mp->blockCnts++; } } if (NULL == retVal) { printf("ffk
    ); } return retVal; } void mpool_destroy(mpool* mp) { int i; unsigned int blockCnts = mp->blockCnts; for (i = 0; i < blockCnts; ++i) { free(mp->mBlockInfoArray[i].pBlock); } free(mp); mp = NULL; }

    #ifndef GETTIME_H
    #define GETTIME_H
    #ifdef _MSC_VER // windows     
    long long getSystemTime()
        return GetTickCount();
    #else           // Linux     
    #include // sleep(3);
    #include //timeb
     long long getSystemTime() 
        struct timeb t;
        return 1000 * t.time + t.millitm;

            gcc mpool.c getTime.h FindKeyword.c -o findKeyword -O3
            rm -f findKeyword
