
41991 ワード

  1 package com.peter.java.dsa.common;


  3 import java.util.ArrayList;


  5 public class BinaryTree {

  6     private TreeNode root;

  7     private int size = 0;


  9     public BinaryTree() {

 10         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

 11     }


 13     public BinaryTree(int value) {

 14         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

 15         this.root = new TreeNode(value);

 16         this.size = 1;

 17     }


 19     public TreeNode getRoot() {

 20         return root;

 21     }


 23     public int getMax() {

 24         TreeNode node = root;

 25         while (node.rightChildNode != null) {

 26             node = node.rightChildNode;

 27         }

 28         return node.value;

 29     }


 31     public int getMin() {

 32         TreeNode node = root;

 33         while (node.leftChildNode != null) {

 34             node = node.leftChildNode;

 35         }

 36         return node.value;

 37     }


 39     public void preOrderTreeWalk(TreeNode node, ArrayList<Integer> container) {

 40         if (node != null) {

 41             container.add(node.value);

 42             preOrderTreeWalk(node.leftChildNode, container);

 43             preOrderTreeWalk(node.rightChildNode, container);

 44         }

 45     }


 47     public void midOrderTreeWalk(TreeNode node, ArrayList<Integer> container) {

 48         if (node != null) {

 49             midOrderTreeWalk(node.leftChildNode, container);

 50             container.add(node.value);

 51             midOrderTreeWalk(node.rightChildNode, container);

 52         }

 53     }


 55     public void postOrderTreeWalk(TreeNode node, ArrayList<Integer> container) {

 56         if (node != null) {

 57             postOrderTreeWalk(node.leftChildNode, container);

 58             postOrderTreeWalk(node.rightChildNode, container);

 59             container.add(node.value);

 60         }

 61     }


 63     public TreeNode search(int value) {

 64         TreeNode node = root;

 65         while (node.value != value) {

 66             if (value < node.value) {

 67                 node = node.leftChildNode;

 68             } else {

 69                 node = node.rightChildNode;

 70             }

 71             if (node == null) {

 72                 node = null;

 73             }

 74         }

 75         return node;

 76     }


 78     private TreeNode findParentNode(int value) {

 79         TreeNode parent = null;

 80         TreeNode node = root;

 81         while (node.value != value) {

 82             parent = node;

 83             if (value < node.value) {

 84                 node = node.leftChildNode;

 85             } else {

 86                 node = node.rightChildNode;

 87             }

 88             if (node == null) {

 89                 node = null;

 90                 parent = null;

 91             }

 92         }

 93         return parent;

 94     }


 96     public void createBinaryTree(int[] data) {

 97         if (data != null) {

 98             for (int i : data) {

 99                 insert(i);

100             }

101         }

102     }


104     public void insert(int value) {

105         if (root == null) {

106             root = new TreeNode(value);

107         } else {

108             TreeNode curNode = root;

109             TreeNode parentNode;

110             while (true) {

111                 parentNode = curNode;

112                 if (value < curNode.value) {

113                     curNode = curNode.leftChildNode;

114                     if (curNode == null) {

115                         parentNode.leftChildNode = new TreeNode(value);

116                         parentNode.leftChildNode.leftOrRight = -1;

117                         break;

118                     }

119                 } else {

120                     curNode = curNode.rightChildNode;

121                     if (curNode == null) {

122                         parentNode.rightChildNode = new TreeNode(value);

123                         parentNode.rightChildNode.leftOrRight = 1;

124                         break;

125                     }

126                 }

127             }

128         }

129         ++size;

130     }


132     public boolean delete(int value) {

133         boolean flag = false;

134         TreeNode node = search(value);

135         TreeNode parent = findParentNode(value);

136         if (node != null) {

137             if (node.equals(root)) {

138                 root = null;

139             }

140             if (node.leftChildNode == null && node.rightChildNode == null) {

141                 if (node.leftOrRight == 1) {

142                     node = null;

143                     parent.rightChildNode = null;

144                 }

145                 if (node.leftOrRight == -1) {

146                     node = null;

147                     parent.leftChildNode = null;

148                 }

149             } else if (node.leftChildNode != null

150                     && node.rightChildNode != null) {

151                 TreeNode successor = findSuccessor(node);

152                 if (node.leftOrRight == -1) {

153                     parent.leftChildNode = successor;

154                     parent.leftChildNode.leftOrRight = -1;

155                 }

156                 if (node.leftOrRight == 1) {

157                     parent.rightChildNode = successor;

158                     parent.rightChildNode.leftOrRight = 1;

159                 }

160                 successor.leftChildNode = node.leftChildNode;

161             } else {

162                 if (node.leftChildNode != null) {

163                     if (node.leftOrRight == 1) {

164                         parent.rightChildNode = node.leftChildNode;

165                     }

166                     if (node.leftOrRight == -1) {

167                         parent.leftChildNode = node.leftChildNode;

168                     }

169                 }

170                 if (node.rightChildNode != null) {

171                     if (node.leftOrRight == 1) {

172                         parent.rightChildNode = node.rightChildNode;

173                     }

174                     if (node.leftOrRight == -1) {

175                         parent.leftChildNode = node.rightChildNode;

176                     }

177                 }

178                 node = null;

179             }

180             flag = true;

181             --size;

182         }

183         return flag;

184     }


186     private TreeNode findSuccessor(TreeNode delNode) {

187         TreeNode parent = delNode;

188         TreeNode successor = delNode;

189         TreeNode curNode = delNode.rightChildNode;


191         while (curNode != null) {

192             parent = successor;

193             successor = curNode;

194             curNode = curNode.leftChildNode;

195         }

196         if (!successor.equals(delNode.rightChildNode)) {

197             parent.leftChildNode = successor.rightChildNode;

198             successor.rightChildNode = delNode.rightChildNode;

199         }

200         return successor;

201     }


203     public int size() {

204         return this.size;

205     }


207     public boolean isEmpty() {

208         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

209         return size == 0;

210     }


212     public class TreeNode {

213         int leftOrRight = 0;// 0: root;-1:left child node;1, right childe node;

214         Integer value;

215         TreeNode leftChildNode;

216         TreeNode rightChildNode;


218         public TreeNode(Integer value) {

219             // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

220             this.value = value;

221         }


223         @Override

224         public boolean equals(Object obj) {

225             // TODO Auto-generated method stub

226             if (obj instanceof TreeNode) {

227                 TreeNode node = (TreeNode) obj;

228                 return node.value == this.value;

229             }

230             return false;

231         }


233         @Override

234         public String toString() {

235             return "TreeNode [leftOrRight="

236                     + leftOrRight

237                     + ", value="

238                     + value

239                     + (leftChildNode != null ? ", leftChildNode="

240                             + leftChildNode : "")

241                     + (rightChildNode != null ? ", rightChildNode="

242                             + rightChildNode : "") + "]";

243         }

244     }

245 }

 1 package com.peter.java.dsa.test;


 3 import java.util.ArrayList;

 4 import java.util.Arrays;


 6 import com.peter.java.dsa.common.BinaryTree;

 7 import com.peter.java.dsa.common.BinaryTree.TreeNode;


 9 public class Test {


11     /**

12      * @param args

13      */

14     public static void main(String[] args) {

15         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

16         int[] data = { 21, 25, 16, 32, 22, 19, 13, 20 };

17         System.out.println("input: " + Arrays.toString(data));

18         BinaryTree bTree = new BinaryTree();

19         System.out.println(bTree.isEmpty() + "--" + bTree.size());

20         bTree.createBinaryTree(data);

21         System.out.println(bTree.isEmpty() + "--" + bTree.size());

22         ArrayList<Integer> container = new ArrayList<Integer>();

23         TreeNode root = bTree.getRoot();

24         container.clear();

25         bTree.preOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

26         System.out.println("pre Order Binary Tree Walk: "

27                 + container.toString());

28         container.clear();

29         bTree.midOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

30         System.out.println("mid Order Binary Tree Walk: "

31                 + container.toString());

32         container.clear();

33         bTree.postOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

34         System.out.println("post Order Binary Tree Walk: "

35                 + container.toString());

36         System.out.println("Max Value: " + bTree.getMax());

37         System.out.println("Max Value: " + bTree.getMin());

38         // change the function findParentNode() to be private

39         // TreeNode parent = bTree.findParentNode(25);

40         // if (parent != null) {

41         // System.out.println("Parent Value: " + parent.toString());

42         // }

43         // delete a node which has no child nodes, successfully

44         // bTree.delete(13);

45         // container.clear();

46         // bTree.midOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

47         // System.out.println("mid Order Binary Tree Walk: "

48         // + container.toString());

49         // container.clear();

50         // bTree.postOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

51         // System.out.println("post Order Binary Tree Walk: "

52         // + container.toString());

53         // delete a node which has a right child node, successfully

54         // bTree.delete(19);

55         // container.clear();

56         // bTree.preOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

57         // System.out.println("pre Order Binary Tree Walk: "

58         // + container.toString());

59         // container.clear();

60         // bTree.midOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

61         // System.out.println("mid Order Binary Tree Walk: "

62         // + container.toString());


64         // delete a node which has a right child node, successfully

65         bTree.delete(16);

66         container.clear();

67         bTree.preOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

68         System.out.println("pre Order Binary Tree Walk: "

69                 + container.toString());

70         container.clear();

71         bTree.midOrderTreeWalk(root, container);

72         System.out.println("mid Order Binary Tree Walk: "

73                 + container.toString());

74     }

75 }